A Review of the Technologies Trending Towards 5G Network for IoT-Based Smart Healthcare

A Review of the Technologies Trending Towards 5G Network for IoT-Based Smart Healthcare

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2762-3.ch004
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The traditional expert and hospital-focused approach to smart healthcare is quickly changing to a dispersed patient-focused one. Several technical advancements have aided this quick transition in healthcare. 4G and other communication standards are currently employed in the medical field for smart health services and apps. The development of intelligent healthcare services in the future depends on these technologies. A vast amount of data in various formats and sizes is anticipated to be produced by several applications due to the expansion of the healthcare sector. A specific consideration of the end-to-end delay, bandwidth, latency, and other properties is required for such vast and heterogeneous data. Future healthcare applications will demand extremely dynamic and time-sensitive systems, which will be challenging for current communication technology to meet. As a result, 5G networks are being created and tailored to address the various communication requirements of internet of things (IoT) applications related to health.
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1. Introduction

To improve healthcare quality, smart healthcare equipment can provide vital signs in real-time, and sophisticated diagnostic tools can provide patients with more advanced therapy. Encouraging patients by providing them with knowledge about medical conditions and their treatments is the goal of smart health care (Sundaravadivel et al., 2019). Patients with smart health care can take the necessary action in an emergency. It facilitates the provision of remote check-up services, which lowers treatment costs, and it helps healthcare providers expand their services beyond geographic boundaries. A strong smart healthcare system is needed to ensure that people receive health services as smart cities grow. A noteworthy contribution, aside from promoting well-being, is cutting healthcare costs through prompt diagnosis (Liu et. al., 2017). For example, the Internet of Things (IoT) market for smart health care is projected to reach a value of 156.4 billion USD by 2021. IoT will change healthcare and drive down medical device costs. 5G networks are likely to be crucial for enabling the IoT to be widely adopted. One of the most significant uses of 5G networks is smart health care (Li et. al., 2019). This article describes the general architecture of the 5G-based smart healthcare network and its key components. IoT can enhance several applications in smart health care, such as telemedicine, assisted living, smarter medication, behavioral change monitoring, remote monitoring, treatment compliance monitoring, and asset management in hospitals (McCue, 2020). Assessment and diet inspection are proposed uses for smart health applications (Rodrigues, 2013). An innovative approach for mobile health applications is presented by the author. Wearable solutions that assist with mobility are suggested for residential settings (Silva, 2013). For intelligent support in the context of mobile health, an Internet of Things application is built on the mobile gateway. IoT is thought to be a crucial component of medical applications for e-health platforms. It is suggested that wearable gadgets be used to check healthcare facilities via a wireless network of sensors. A key component of 5G network communication is smart antennas. Smart Antennas leverages several significant improvements to increase 5G capacity and coverage. Beamforming, or vertical and horizontal beamforming is one such invention that uses RF energy to focus a compact beam to where it is needed rather than radiating the same energy over a large region. Because the higher frequency mmWave RF is susceptible to fading over authentication loss and distance caused by things striking (such as cars, buildings, etc.), beamforming is very useful for 5GNR. More RF energy directed toward coordination increases the likelihood of optimal transmission capacity and signal quality. It is crucial to remember that line of locate is still a problem since beamforming Attenuation reduces points of interest (Santos,2016). Machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity and the Internet of Things (IoT) are anticipated to be the keystones of smart health care in 5G networks. The recommended techniques will encounter two primary obstacles. First, there are a great deal of terminals, which have led to extremely dense networks (around 106 connections per km^2). For IoT and M2M applications, solutions to the ultra-densification and scalability issues are required. The second is energy consumption as a result of IoT-based applications' reliance on wireless sensor networks (for example, in certain scenarios, a minimum battery life of ten years is needed). It is anticipated that research on the rollout and commercialization of 5G networks will be finished by 2020, having begun in 2014. In addition to supporting a large number of IoT devices and densifying the network, 5G networks should offer faster data rates(Palletella,2016). To accommodate new applications, 5G networks are being designed to be adaptable and versatile. These applications call for high data rates as well as other features like massive connectivity, dense deployment, low latency, high energy efficiency, and long-range communication to support Internet of Things-based smart healthcare applications(Chih-Lin,2016).

Key Terms in this Chapter

ZigBee: ZigBee is a low-rate task group 4 Personal Area Network task group. It is a home networking technology. A technological standard called ZigBee was developed for network sensing and control. Since ZigBee, as of now, is the Personal Area Network of Task Group 4, it was developed by the ZigBee Alliance and is based on IEEE 802.15.4.An easy-to-use architecture for safe, dependable, low-power wireless networks is provided by the open, worldwide, packet-based ZigBee protocol. Equipment for flow or process control can be installed anywhere and yet interface with the system.

WBAN: The wireless body area network tracks environmental and physiological data through wearable and implantable devices. A centralized monitoring system that collects and analyzes data from the devices is connected wirelessly to the devices. The monitoring system can be remotely accessed by trainers, coaches, players, and healthcare experts from a hospital, sports institution, or fitness centre.

WPAN: Small-scale wireless network having a limited operating range and minimal infrastructure requirements. Several devices in one area usually use a WPAN rather than connecting to each other via cables. Wireless or cable connections can be made to PAN networks. The most popular wireless connection options are Bluetooth, WiFi, IrDA, and Zigbee; the wired options include USB and FireWire.

WiMAX: The Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access, or WiMAX, is a telecommunications technology that can be used to provide complete mobile cellular type access as well as wireless data over great distances in a number of different methods.

5G: 5G, the fifth generation of wireless cellular technology, provides better capacity, more reliable connections, and faster upload and download rates than earlier networks. With far faster and more dependable speeds than the widely used 4G networks at the moment, 5G has the potential to completely change the way we use the internet to access information, social media, and applications. For instance, 5G connectivity is expected to be extremely beneficial for technologies that demand dependable, high-speed data connections, such as self-driving cars, sophisticated gaming applications, and live streaming media.

Smart Healthcare: A smart healthcare system connects people, resources, and healthcare-related institutions while actively managing and intelligently responding to the demands of the medical ecosystem. It does this by utilizing technologies like wearables, the Internet of Things, and mobile internet to dynamically access information.

LTE: The project responsible for creating a high-performance air interface for cellular mobile communication systems is called LTE (Long Term Evolution). It represents the final phase of 4G radio technologies, which aim to boost mobile phone networks' speed and capacity. LTE is marketed as 4G, whereas the previous generation of mobile telecommunication networks is referred to as 2G or 3G combined.

LoRa: The Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) technology is the source of the LoRa wireless modulation system. It uses chirp pulses to encode information on radio waves, just as if bats and dolphins do! Long-range reception of LoRa modulated transmission is possible, and it is resistant to disruptions. Lora is operable in sub-gigahertz bands (such as 915 MHz, 868 MHz, and 433 MHz) that are not subject to license requirements. At the expense of range, it can also be used at 2.4 GHz to reach faster data speeds than sub-gigahertz bands.

IoT: The term Internet of Things (IoT) describes a network of real-world things, such as cars, appliances, and other machinery, that are integrated with software, sensors, and network connectivity to enable data collection and sharing.

LoRaWAN: LoRa modulation is the foundation for the Media Access Control (MAC) layer protocol known as LoRaWAN. It is a software layer that specifies how devices use the LoRa hardware, including the message structure and when they broadcast. A LoRaWAN network server called The Things Stack, which gets messages from LoRaWAN devices, powers the Things Network. The LoRa Alliance is in charge of creating and maintaining the LoRaWAN protocol. January 2015 saw the introduction of the first LoRaWAN specification. The version history of the LoRaWAN specifications is displayed in the table below. The most recent specs as of the time of writing are 1.0.4 and 1.1.

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