A Review of the Smart Grid Concept for Electrical Power System

A Review of the Smart Grid Concept for Electrical Power System

Amam Hossain Bagdadee, Li Zhang
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3666-0.ch061
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The review this article conducts is an extensive analysis of the concept of a smart grid framework with the most sophisticated smart grid innovation and some basic information about smart grid soundness. Smart grids as a new scheme for energy and a future generation framework encourages the expansion of information and progress. The smart grid framework concord will potentially take years. In this article, the focus is on developing smart networks within the framework of electric power systems.
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Smart Grid

The Smart grid is an innovative idea of the power grid, which can smartly coordinate the activities of all clients associated with it (generators, customers, and so on.) keeping in mind the end goal to viably give available, financial and protection power supplies (Mei & Zhu, 2013). A smart power system utilizes original items and administrations alongside wise observing, control, communication with self-healing advances. The objective is to give necessary changes to connect new and elective energy sources, lessen the customary generation of petroleum derivatives. Enhance the supportability of the island with the waste treatment plant and electric vehicles, To build the insight and the level of computerization, making the electrical system ready to convey and connect with the requirements of the diverse incorporated operators inside (Gao, Xiao, Liu, Liang & Chen, 2012). A smart system is the utilization of sensors, correspondences, computational capacities and control somehow to enhance the general usefulness of the power supply system. A noiseless system winds up noticeably keen by distinguishing, imparting, applying insight, practicing control and through the input, consistently changing. For an electrical system, this permits a few capacities that permit advancement in the combine with the utilization of mass generation and capacity, transmission, appropriation, distributed assets and last utilization for destinations that assurance steady quality and improvement or limit the utilization of energy, moderate ecological effect, oversee assets and diminish costs (Dibangoye, Doniec, Fakham, Colas & Guillaud, 2015).

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