A Review of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Industry 5.0 for Smart Decision-Making

A Review of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Industry 5.0 for Smart Decision-Making

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2647-3.ch002
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Globally, the industrial landscape is witnessing a significant transformation with the emergence of Industry 5.0, marking a new era characterized by seamless convergence of digital technologies, physical systems, and human expertise. This shift hinges on the dynamic interplay between big data analytics (BDA) and artificial intelligence (AI), becoming the cornerstone of intelligent decision-making in Industry 5.0. Accordingly, this study explores the profound impact of integrating BDA and AI in Industry 5.0, emphasizing the pivotal roles of data acquisition, storage, and processing. Additionally, it examines how AI improves human decision-making across various industrial sectors like manufacturing, retail, automotive, energy grid management, and healthcare, showcasing real-world case studies. Moreover, the chapter addresses the challenges associated with managing large-scale data and offers innovative solutions. It concludes by looking ahead, outlining promising areas for future research at the intersection of BDA and AI to foster well-informed decision-making in Industry 5.0.
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The world continues to experience a transformative shift in the way industries operate, with the emergence of Industry 5.0. The seamless integration of digital technologies, physical systems, and human expertise characterizes this new industrial era. At the center of this evolution lies an evolving synergy between BDA and AI, which is rapidly becoming the cornerstone of intelligent decision-making in Industry 5.0 (Leng et al., 2022). Consequently, it is important to understand the profound implications of this integration and its immense potential for transforming the future of industries across the globe. To comprehend the significance of BDA and AI in Industry 5.0, a reflection upon the journey that has led us here must first be highlighted. The previous industrial revolutions have laid the groundwork for this current transformation. Industry 1.0 brought mechanization, while Industry 2.0 introduced mass production through electrification. Industry 3.0 ushered in the era of automation, characterized by the use of computers and electronics. Subsequently, Industry 4.0 marked the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the digitalization of industrial processes. Industry 4.0 witnessed the emergence of smart factories and interconnected systems, setting the stage for Industry 5.0 (Yin et al., 2017).

Marked by the fusion of the physical and digital realms in a way that transcends mere automation and autonomation, Industry 5.0 represents a significant leap forward. In this era, machines and systems work harmoniously with humans, coexisting to leverage their strengths. Human-machine collaboration is not just an option; it is the essence of Industry 5.0 (Leng et al., 2022; Xu et al., 2021). What distinguishes Industry 5.0 from its predecessors is the seamless convergence and flow of information between these elements of a heterogenous ecosystem. Data, continuously generated by sensors, machines, and humans, and constantly analyzed for insights, essentially becomes the lifeblood of this new industrial ecosystem. Moreover, it is this data that makes smart decision-making possible and allows industries to operate with unprecedented efficiency and precision (Fazal et al., 2022). Central to this paradigm shift is the concept of Big Data. With the proliferation of sensors and interconnected devices, industries are now generating vast volumes of data at an unprecedented rate. This data, often characterized by its volume, velocity, variety, and veracity, has become a potent resource (Xian et al., 2023). In Industry 5.0, data is not merely a byproduct but a strategic asset, serving as the foundation upon which intelligent decisions are built. From real-time monitoring of machinery to predictive maintenance schedules, supply chain optimization to personalized customer experiences, Big Data forms the backbone of these transformative processes (Leng et al., 2022). However, the true value of Big Data lies not in its quantity but in the insights it can yield. This is where BDA comes into play.

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