A Review of Artificial Emotional Intelligence for Human-Computer Interactions: Applications and Challenges

A Review of Artificial Emotional Intelligence for Human-Computer Interactions: Applications and Challenges

N. Suthanthira Vanitha, B. Niranjana Devi, A. Karthikeyan, K. Radhika, D. Anbuselvi, S. Grace Infantiya
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2794-4.ch003
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In recent years, the attention towards artificial emotional intelligence (AEI) replicates complex human ability in artificial intelligence systems for researchers. With the integration of emotional intelligence in artificial intelligence is to revolutionize human-computer interactions, more intuitive and simulate human emotions. AEI assimilates various algorithms like natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision. In order to detect emotional changes, these techniques are employed, where the accuracy rate varies with the implementation of predictable emotion recognition. It is crucial to attend the challenges and ethical concerns associated with emotionally intelligent AI. Harnessing the power of AI is to enhance our lives and foster human-computer relationships. This chapter reviews the most effective and versatile emotion recognition applications and challenges to enhance human-computer interaction in diverse domains.
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In the today's world of Artificial Intelligence is the process of exhibiting human-like tasks in machines through various methodologies like Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.AI instructs a computer to perform a better analysis for accurate results in self-driving cars, making predictions, recognizing speech patterns and business intelligence. AI has transformed the landscape of human-computer interaction, creating flawless user experiences in both efficient and intuitive. Artificial Intelligence is the combination of several verticals includes computer science, philosophy, psychology, sociology, math, biology, and neuroscience where the automation of creating a machine employs human-like traits is carried out. Machine learning allows the computers capability to learn without being explicitly programmed which increases the efficiency and performance of a given set of knowledge from experience.

The applications in ML are pattern recognition, weather, banking statements, diagnosis of mechanical devices, preventing breakdowns in electric transformers, increasing speed for natural language interface and testing engines for space shuttle. It continues to develop further due to security, stability, and more reliability. Data Science, using Smart Personalizing type of Artificial Intelligence which resembles digital professors can help students who are facing difficulties while learning. Deep learning is more advanced than machine learning algorithms. Deep learning allows computational models in multiple processing layers and learns many types of representations of data in the high level of abstraction. The applications includes object detection, visual object recognition, advanced speech recognition, and bloomed in processing images with higher the compressed data it has the faster the performance it gains.

Artificial Intelligence has certain limitations and the ability to change the world to build tremendous impacts on society. Some drawbacks are robustness, Multi-Component Model and Large Datasets and Hard Generalization in which need to be improved and supervised (Maher, 2021). Emotional intelligence the ability to recognize, understand and manage our own emotions and has been a pivotal aspect of human interaction. Researchers focused their attention towards replicating this complex human ability in artificial intelligence systems (Stumpf et al., 2009). With the integration of emotional intelligence with A.I., developers aim to revolutionize human-computer interactions, making them more intuitive, engaging, and efficient. Human Computer Interaction Architecture and various fields of application improved the efficiency of HCI such as nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and beyond. EI is categorized into three major areas as, appraisal and expression emotion, regulation emotion and Utilization emotion.

A subset of artificial intelligence is artificial emotional intelligence refers for recollecting, recognizing and reacting to human emotions.AEI is nothing but a Human-machine interaction-based computing technology which detects facial expressions and automatically recognizes the emotions (Samoili et al., 2020). It apply different approaches and techniques to detect emotions from multiple ways further performs the collected and analyzed data. Currently Emotional Artificial Intelligence, have expanded the idea into many systems and technologies are Humanoid Robots, Virtual Personal Assistant and Hardware of EAI. Human emotion Identification is efficient through computer vision technology, pattern recognition, virtual reality, and augmented reality (Winograd, 2006).Generally, expressions happiness, anger, sadness, surprise, disgust, fear, and neutral can be detected .

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