A Real-Time Cloud-Based Healthcare Monitoring System

A Real-Time Cloud-Based Healthcare Monitoring System

Manjushree Nayak, Anjli Barman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9831-3.ch011
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Health is a basic necessity, and access to high-quality healthcare is a human right. Cloud computing provides a base for better reliable and cost-efficient business applications for corporate purposes. Cloud computing provides a good structure and a good cost for the organization with reduced administration. Recent advances in sensor communication, sensor sensing, and microelectronics are focused on monitoring and managing chronic diseases and potential emergencies. Health monitoring can be managed by one or both: the cost of main challenges and citizen-centered care. This likewise permits a specialist to make electronic visits, including no transportation with full correspondence from the specialist to the patient. They can see one another, which permits the specialist to see the wounds. The authors discussed home hospitalization frameworks on the IoT and cloud-based healthcare monitoring systems in this chapter.
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Many primary healthcare clinics in rural areas do not have any computerized systems and rely only on paper-based systems, which require patients to keep their records. It is difficult and expensive to compile a nationwide overview of patient statistics using several methodologies. On a more fundamental level, sharing information within the healthcare industry is difficult for individual organizations. Mobile & wireless technology offer some intriguing potential for a low-cost, high-reach service, with alternatives open to the government to improve the efficiency& effectiveness of its primary health care delivery process. There is substantial evidence that mobile technology could be useful in correcting the existing system's slow response rates in rural areas. The study presents a method for retrieving a patient's health status and delivering health-promoting messages in a non-intrusive manner via a wireless body-area network; they can connect. We conclude Cloud computing is the arising popular expression on the Internet. It is rising step by step because of its wealthy features of services. Cloud computing refers to applications and services on distributed networks utilizing virtualized resources and regular web and systems administration guidelines. Cloud computing is another kind of computing where our patterns of using the Internet change. The term: Cloud is analogical to the Internet. The term: Cloud Computing is used to calculate the Internet and the capacity to run a program or application on many associated PCs over the network simultaneously. It is the future of the Internet. It is additionally called the fifth era of computing after the Mainframe, Personal Computer, client-server computer, and the web. Cloud computing has changed the methods of utilizing computing resources. It's referring to a genuine change in outlook. The huge scope construction of cloud computing was upheld by the commercialization of the Internet and the development of numerous administration organizations. Cloud computing is the web's future. Numerous firms are attempting to decrease their IT expenditures and, as a result. IT organizations and virtualization technology facilitate their usage. Cloud computing enables a business to have a strong structure and a low cost while also reducing administration. The application or cloud framework type is specified. Cloud computing raises safety and security concerns for many number of enterprises and organizations. They share resources with unknown firms, have discrepancies in cloud storage management, lack crucial encryption and data integrity, and are subject to government rules, licenses, and information regarding the cloud computing domain of Internet security. It will liberate resources for customers; anybody will be able to use high-performance computing on a need-to-know basis and at any suitable time and from any part or location. Cloud computing enables the long-held ideal of utility computing to become a reality, with pay-as-you-go, generally available computer resources.

The primary benefit of cloud innovation is the accessibility and availability of information and applications from any place, and whenever. Cloud diminishes the expenses and intricacy identified with acquiring and dealing with the data innovation framework. The element ―On-Demand Service reduced software, hardware, and dispatching time. With the upside of cloud technologies, software labs, and applications as well as equipment-based labs, for example, network research centers would now be able to be changed to cloud environments. Not always and all administrations, applications get advantage from the cloud organization prospects. Issues like idleness, personal time, and transaction control, and specific protections are of significant concern. Cloud computing is network-based; innovation service blackouts are conceivable and can happen under any circumstance.

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