A Qualitative Approach to Convergence of Higher Education Policies in Europe

A Qualitative Approach to Convergence of Higher Education Policies in Europe

Simona Vasilache
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5998-8.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter analyzes the state of convergence in European higher education, in the Bologna framework (as set in the Bologna declaration of 1999), based on the indicators of national policies. The authors analyzed the research papers dedicated to the topic in mainstream literature, and on that basis, they proposed a set of models for discussing policies and select relevant indicators. These indicators were debated with 10 knowledgeable experts in the field of higher education and university management, and stemming from the discussions, a questionnaire was drafted. The questionnaire was then sent out to 500 people in the HE system (following a snowball sampling). The authors received 109 valid questionnaires, which were qualitatively analyzed in the study. Thus, they find and discuss the most suitable indicators for characterizing the convergence of policies in higher education.
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Issues In Higher Education Convergence

Three paradigms appear to dominate current discussions of the role of education in economic growth: the first has stemmed from human capital theory; the second could be classified as catch-up models; and the third important approach has stressed the interactions between education and technological innovation and change (Wolff, 2000).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Experts Interviews: Structured discussions with relevant experts in the higher education field.

Europe-wide convergence: Similarity of higher education systems, across Europe, in the Bologna framework.

Romanian Universities: Higher education institutions located in Romania.

Higher Education: Education delivered by universities and similar educational institutions.

Qualitative Analysis: Analysis employing qualitative methods.

National Policies: Policies for higher education set at the national level.

Research Indicators: Indicators taken into account in the present research.

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