A Practical Approach to Visualizing Different Phases of Project Management Using MSProject

A Practical Approach to Visualizing Different Phases of Project Management Using MSProject

Hrithik Raj, Ritu Punhani, Ishika Punhani
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5255-4.ch001
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This chapter discusses the problems of project preparation, project planning, project execution, and monitoring of a real-world project. Emphasis is placed on MS Project – a software product designed to create plans, projects, and schedules as well as control and management of their implementation. It is discussed in a practical manner its ability to understand how much time and work developers are investing in a software project. As a result, the project management actions helped the project be delivered on time without compromising any time, budget, or resource constraints. The authors considered different scenarios related to project risk. They used the project crashing technique, and the time of the project was significantly reduced allowing the project to finish on time. The relations between the activities, the resources, and the time for their implementation are defined. The effectiveness of using different types of calendars—standard and continuous—specific to the continuous mining activities is evaluated.
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Literature Review

Investigating the Dynamics of Engineering Design Rework for a Complex Aircraft Development Project: Lessons Learned from a Soft Systems Thinking Lens

Organizations continue to have difficulty managing their intricate product development initiatives effectively (PDPs). The dynamics of engineering design rework (EDR), which must modify the product being created and disrupts the development process, are factors in subpar project performance. The aim of this study is to assess the EDR dynamics that have a detrimental effect on complex PDP performance and to recommend solutions. The research methodology is supported by the soft systems thinking paradigm. An aircraft development project's EDR dynamics were modeled using a causal loop model.

21st-Century General-Purpose Technologies and the Future of Project Management

General-purpose technologies (GPTs), usually referred to as platform technologies, are key economic activity catalysts. They are all-purpose in the sense that they support waves of cutting-edge goods and services and have several uses in a variety of industries. An industry can change dramatically from how it was before if new applications for the new GPT are identified. For instance, waves of creative destruction brought about by the printing press, steam engine, telephone, and computer have had a lasting impact on businesses and society (Schumpeter, 1976). The explanation of the extensive economic consequences brought on by GPTs serves as the foundation for the notion of Kondratiev cycles, which describe multi decade episodes of economic expansion (Rosenberg & Frischtak, 1984).

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