A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education: Evidence-Based Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in South India

A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education: Evidence-Based Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in South India

Vikas Salunkhe, Seena Thomas Kaithathara, Darshan S. M., Gowri Shankar R., Shabarisha N.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7271-9.ch006
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Game-based learning is widely followed at the school level in India, but the higher education system has been longer in adopting it. The pandemic situation has transformed teaching and learning processes from the traditional to the technical method, which requires a more versatile approach. Because of the rapid change from the offline mode to the online mode in higher education, there is little evidence available on the inefficiency of implementing the traditional system of teacher-centered education on online platforms. There comes a lot of the significance in of adapting technology-based games in order to engage and motivate students throughout their course of study. The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of the effectiveness of game-based learning strategies over traditional learning methods. Moreover, the results of a cross-sectional study conducted by the authors in South Indian universities at the higher education level is included.
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“A university is not an information shop. It is a place where the students' will, intellect, and emotions are disciplined”. - Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

1.8 billion Young Indians, between the ages of 10 to 24 contribute 20% global population. This unique demography is an opportunity in utilizing the country's socio-economic landscape. To overcome the need of youngsters like the expansion of learning, skill development, employment, and engagement opportunities in the process of creating change-makers in the form of national as well as international leaders.

This chapter revolves around online-game-based learning and teaching, while keeping in mind the availability, accessibility and affordability of tech-based gadgets which will be equipped with adequate sources of learning and teaching materials available for everyone in the era of skill based revolution in the 21st century during the challenging time of pandemic. Merits and demerits of adoption of game-based learning also are in the consideration in this study. Lifelong learning will be an integral part of the education system blended with game based learning. Creation of future centric leaders to give back to the society, is the ultimate goal. Fragmentation of the information: with the help of charts, key information can be stored in the blocks. At one glance through this chart, any topic can be taught, understood and remembered. Association and correlation can lead to accumulation of knowledge.

Key Terms in this Chapter

21st Century Skills: Skills which are highly advanced and sophisticated. The skills revolve around technology and scientific world and also critical thinking, advanced learning, and decision-making skills.

Visualization: The process of creating an image of particular thing in mind and designing thought process accordingly.

Mugging Up: In this process learners just read the information without understanding the insights.

On-the-Job Learning: A method of providing practical training to the new or fresh learners at workplace.

Cross-Sectional Study: The study involves interactions and evidence based analyzed observations of population participated.

Technological Tools: The gadgets designed to get connected and access around the world in search of information through internet. The tools are well versed with advanced information technology and automation.

Traditional Methods: This kind methods are well known to everyone but less equipped with advanced technology or non-tech based.

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