A New Perspective on Selecting Port Managers

A New Perspective on Selecting Port Managers

Özgür Tezcan, Barış Kuleyin
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9039-3.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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Ports desire to achieve an effective performance because of the implementations they perform in line with their objectives. Dealing with the stakeholders of a port, effective corporate performance should not be considered independent from sustainability principles. Therefore, ports should consider corporate sustainability, adjust their strategies accordingly, and target an effective sustainability performance. To perform sustainably requires employing competent managers who determine appropriate strategies for the port enterprise and ensure correct implementation. Thus, this chapter deals with the managers' competencies expected who play a role in ensuring effective sustainability performance in port enterprises. In this context, the managerial competencies gathered via the literature review were evaluated and the competencies that a port manager needs regarding sustainability performance were revealed. It is thought that the 35 competencies obtained will contribute directly to the selection and recruitment of port managers and indirectly to the port sustainability performance.
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Nowadays, a growing topic, sustainability preoccupies parties in many fields. Success is no more seen to be enough, and it is expected to be achieved sustainably. Port enterprises are also and have to be interested in sustainability. Being financially successful is thought to be just one of the pillars on reaching a sustainable performance, additionally, ports have to pay attention to environmental and social issues. As the management activities affect all the strategies, goals, practices, and consequences of these in a port, to accomplish a complete sustainability performance, ports are to be managed to do so. This might be provided by employing managers that have the competencies to manage sustainably. In this context, the existing literature regarding concepts of sustainability performance and manager competencies had been investigated. A detailed explanation of these concepts and the relationship between those were given in the following sections.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Sustainability: Living with the future, consuming responsibly, considering that the earth needs to be livable for future generations.

Corporate Sustainability: For a corporation, not only to be economic-oriented but also to consider the social and natural environment.

Corporate Performance: The outputs of the processes in a corporation.

Competency: The required skills, abilities, and knowledge to perform a job satisfactorily.

Port Stakeholders: The corporations, institutions, groups, or individuals that a port enterprise dealing with while performing business.

Port Executive: A senior-level port manager who contributes to determining the strategies and goals of the port enterprise and is responsible for managing processes in this direction.

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