A Network Data Analytic Technique in a 5G-IoT-Based Smart Healthcare System Using Machine Learning

A Network Data Analytic Technique in a 5G-IoT-Based Smart Healthcare System Using Machine Learning

Neha Gupta, Sachin Sharma, Pradeep Juneja, Umang Garg
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3855-8.ch003
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Healthcare is an important part of every individual's life. Unfortunately, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases is putting a burden on the modern healthcare system. The internet of things (IoT) with 5G technology offers a number of advantages to the healthcare system, including remote monitoring, remote robotic surgery, and ambulances operating on dedicated network slices, all of which relieve pressure on the traditional healthcare system. 5G-IoT enables billions of healthcare equipment to communicate with one another. These devices will produce a huge amount of data that can be evaluated. In the healthcare industry, data analytics has a huge potential. In this chapter, the authors examine a brief history of machine learning as well as some fundamental knowledge of the methodologies. In addition, the author has provided a brief overview of several machine learning algorithms utilized in healthcare in the context of 5G-IoT. The future aspect of machine learning in a 5G-IoT smart healthcare system was also highlighted.
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The healthcare industry is constantly changing and offers numerous research opportunities. The healthcare system is referred to as a smart system due to the rapid expansion and advancement of technology such as 5G, IoT, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (Islam et al., 2020). Several modern medical gadgets and sensors can communicate over multiple networks via IoT, providing access to critical information regarding a patient’s condition. This information can subsequently be used for a variety of purposes, including remote patient monitoring, bettering the diagnosis and treatment process through improved automation and mobility, and anticipating disease and recovery through a deeper understanding of symptoms (Ahad et al., 2019).

The presentation of 5G innovation fundamentally affects the medical services area. There is a portion of the critical highlights of 5G correspondence like fast information transmission, enormous inclusion region, control network traffic with a high limit, profoundly responsive, minimal expense. Likewise, the capacity to interface much more gadgets on the double (for sensors and brilliant wise intuitive gadgets) is one of the significant key highlights of 5G correspondence modules to work on tolerant involvement in customized, protection care. Consolidating a fast 5G cell network into brilliant medical care can support the trustworthy and quick transmission of huge clinical imaging documents with information sizes of approximately 1 gigabyte for each quiet review (Brito, 2018). One of the predominant uses of 5G in medical care is mHealth. mHealth represents versatile wellbeing. It has alluded to the blend of portable correspondences, wearable detecting, and clinical innovations for advantageous and distant medical care conveyance (Thayananthan, 2019).

ML calculations have shown to be profoundly valuable in medical care because of the gigantic measure of information gathered continuously by 5G empowered IoT gadgets and their intricacy. These calculations empower us to separate significant realities from the information we've assembled and settle on choices dependent on it. The utilization of ML-based frameworks has various benefits. They can be prepared to utilize enormous volumes of information, alluded to as preparing information, and afterward utilized in clinical practice to help with hazard appraisal and treatment plan through inductive deduction. Accordingly, AI calculations work on the productivity of the framework. Computerized reasoning (AI) can assist doctors with counselling and give the best understanding consideration by concentrating on clinical science information from course books, diaries, and clinical practices, which is tedious for people (Najm et al., 2019). Existing AI draws near, then again, can't arrive at similar decisions as a human brain. Observing, making do, and investigating clinical data becomes more straightforward with the reconciliation of AI with 5G-IoT gadgets in medical care. Existing AI draws near, then again, does not have the determinations that a human psyche can reach. Checking, making do, and breaking down clinical data becomes more straightforward with the reconciliation of AI with 5G-IoT gadgets in medical services.

Although there has been a ton of work done in the space of 5G, IoT, and AI in medical services, its vast majority has been centered around the design rather than the variety of calculations or how the information is showing up from 5G-IoT gadgets. Therefore, we endeavoured to overcome any issues by investigating a few designs for both IoT frameworks and ML models. Coming up next are the essential commitments of this work.

  • 1.

    An outline of different noticeable ML calculations with a specific spotlight on their applications and use cases in 5G empowered IoT medical care industry has been given.

  • 2.

    Futuristic effect of AI in the 5G Enabled IoT medical care has been considered.

The remainder of the paper is coordinated in an accompanying way: area II gives the connected work in the field of 5G, IoT, AI in medical care. Segment III gives a short outline of the different ML calculations as of now being explored for utilization in the medical services industry. Segment IV gives the future part of AI in 5G empowered savvy medical services framework. At long last, segment V gives the end to the paper.


In this part, we present a rundown of some distributed past businesses related to the utilization of AI in medical services, 5G, and IoT. The part likewise remembers some current work for zeroed in on 5G-IoT in medical services.

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