A Modern Interpretation of Independent Study for Gifted/Talented Learners

A Modern Interpretation of Independent Study for Gifted/Talented Learners

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5806-8.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores how independent study serves as a pivotal practice in 21st century instruction for all learners, including gifted/talented learners from diverse backgrounds, by providing personalization, choice, flexible/accelerated pacing, and feedback. ‘Think Like a Disciplinarian,' universal themes and generalizations, and culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy will be layered upon independent study to fortify the practice. The practice of independent study will also be contextualized within the modern construct of the blended learning model that can be tailored to students' individual strengths and needs, and allows students to progress through course material at a speed that best matches their ability and learning style.
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How Do Students Conduct An Independent Study Project?

The steps of an Independent Study project, adapted from the work of Dr. Sandra Kaplan, University of Southern California, are as follows:

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