A Holistic Study on the Work-Family Conflict of Women Employees in the Indian Tourism Industry

A Holistic Study on the Work-Family Conflict of Women Employees in the Indian Tourism Industry

Divya Singh, Poonam Kumari, Kristin Sajeev
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3166-8.ch007
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The purpose of this research is to perform a comprehensive study of work-family conflict among female employees in the Indian tourist business. It seeks to identify the elements that contribute to work-family conflict, investigate its influence on women's well-being and turnover intentions, and provide strategies to mitigate its effects. The study's findings emphasize the enormous impact of work-family conflict on female employees in India's tourist companies. Long working hours, high job demands, and a lack of workplace assistance are all factors that lead to work-family conflict. The study also outlines methods such as flexible work arrangements, supportive organizational policies, and training programs that might assist reduce work-family conflict, increase women's psychological safety, and reduce turnover intentions.
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