A General Overview of E-Maintenance and Possible Applications

A General Overview of E-Maintenance and Possible Applications

Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6721-0.ch009
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I4.0 concepts allow a very important approach concerning improving competitiveness of modern industry and services in several domains of economic activity. Maintenance of cyber-physical systems is an important issue that can be crucial for the availability of those systems for developing their activities in a standard way, with respective desired behavior. With the most recent evolution of methodologies and available tools, e-maintenance is a concept that has been evolved in last years, and the use of this approach is of the utmost importance for the competitiveness of companies at several levels. In this chapter, the authors highlight the benefits of using an e-maintenance approach for the success of maintenance of cyber-physical systems, mainly when, on those systems, it is critical to keep and assure the reliability of respective behavior. For this purpose, a robot, as an illustration example, is used, and some conclusions are obtained concerning this global overview and proposed approach.
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In the context of I4.0 the complete fusion of virtual and physical worlds is performed through the concept of Cyber-Physical Systems. Those systems are the key and the core of the new developments in this context, considering several technologies such as, among others, computing, big data, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence (Zheng et al., 2018).

Several points of view and approaches can be considered for studying and developing CPS. In the context of this chapter, authors are focused on assuring the correct and reliable behavior of those systems by using e-Maintenance for those purposes. In this context - despite a correct understanding about physical part, as well as control part of CPS – it is necessary to understand and make clear some aspects related with e-Maintenance and IIoT in the larger context of I4.0.

I4.0 (Yin et al., 2018) can be understood as a set of concepts, together, mainly leading to digitalization of processes and technologies (Amaral et al., 2021) in order to facilitate the storage and sharing the information when different stakeholders need to access it (Tang et al., 2020).

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