A Game-Based Content and Language-Integrated Learning Practice for Environmental Awareness (ENVglish): User Perceptions

A Game-Based Content and Language-Integrated Learning Practice for Environmental Awareness (ENVglish): User Perceptions

Meltem Huri Baturay, Ahmet Erdost Yastibaş, Gonca Yangin Ekşi, Cafer Ahmet Çinar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7271-9.ch027
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Increasing human activities in the environment have created severe effects; therefore, handling such effects by raising environmental awareness through several ways has become significant to sustain the environment, which can enhance 21st century skills including critical thinking and information literacy. Digital games can be used for this because they create an environment for learning with higher engagement, motivation, and excitement besides fostering cognitive attainment and retention. Accordingly, a mobile game-based content and language-integrated learning practice (an educational digital game called ENVglish) was developed to raise EFL students' environmental awareness in this qualitative study. During the design and development phases of the game, students' and teachers' perceptions regarding it were collected with semi-structured interviews. The data were content analyzed. The findings indicated that both students and teachers had positive perceptions about the game and that students could improve their English and have environmental awareness with the game.
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This part explains content and language integrated learning, game-based language learning, and environmental awareness in detail respectively.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Environmental Awareness: It is a kind of awareness that refers to what people know about environmental issues and how they react to environmental issues.

Game-Based Language Learning: It is a language learning method in which students learn a language by playing educational games.

Content and Language-Integrated Learning: It is a language learning method which integrates subjects such as mathematics and a language including English with each other and in which students learn both the language and subjects.

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