A Framework for Discussion in a Post-COVID World: Supporting Discussion in Virtual Learning Spaces

A Framework for Discussion in a Post-COVID World: Supporting Discussion in Virtual Learning Spaces

Janeen Pizzo, Natalie Sue Svrcek, Kathleen Colantonio-Yurko
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9235-9.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter addresses how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted teaching and practice for secondary educators. The authors consider how content area secondary educators, in light of the pandemic, can support adolescent students' understanding of discipline specific concepts through discussion in virtual spaces. Discussion is integral to literacy learning in the disciplines because it provides students with the tools they need to be successful learners and active participants in their learning. The authors use critical literacy, TPACK, and SAMR to provide educators with a framework to evaluate and interrogate disciplinary literacy teaching methods. The chapter provides educators with tools for secondary educators to engage in the thoughtful reconstruction of the learning experiences they design for students.
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Relevant Literature

In the following section the authors provide a discussion of relevant literature as it relates to the chapter. First, a discussion of adolescent literacy and disciplinary literacy is presented. Next, the role of discussion in secondary content area classes is considered.

Key Terms in this Chapter

TPACK Framework: A framework created by Matthew J. Koehler and Punya Mishra for educators who are integrating technology in their classroom; this framework asks educators to consider how technology, pedagogy, and content intersect within the classroom.

Adolescent Literacy: The practice of reading, writing, and discussing concepts and content using domain specific language in grades 4-12.

Modality: The different forms in which information can be presented; common modalities include text, images, videos, and audio.

Discussion: The exchange of ideas between one or more individuals.

SAMR Model: Standing for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, this model was created by Ruben R. Puentedura to help educators evaluate their use of technology within the classroom.

Matthew J. Koehler: Co-creator of the TPACK model with Punya Mishra.

Ruben R. Puentedura: Creator of the SAMR model.

Critical Literacy: The act of evaluating power, equity, injustice, and other sociopolitical systems while engaging with texts and other materials.

Punya Mishra: Co-creator of the TPACK model with Matthew J. Koehler.

Remote Instruction: The method of instruction provided to students who are not in a physical classroom space.

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