A Flipped Classroom Design for Preservice Teacher Training in Assessment

A Flipped Classroom Design for Preservice Teacher Training in Assessment

Isabelle Nizet, Florian Meyer
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4987-3.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter presents a strategy for designing a flipped classroom model (Khan, 2011) for the training of future teachers in a university context. This model was designed by a group of university professors with complementary expertise in didactics, learning assessment, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for education. This chapter describes their collective procedure, as well as the chosen design. The approach is based on an instructional systems design method called Méthode d’Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Apprentissage (MISA) (Paquette, 2004). The authors use this framework to describe the different stages of the design process while paying particular attention to the challenges posed by a hybrid model of training in higher education.
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The project discussed in this chapter has been initiated at the University of Sherbrooke, a francophone university located in the province of Quebec (eastern Canada). The target students for the flipped classroom are future teachers enrolled in a Bachelor in Secondary Education program, and more particularly those students enrolled in the course in learning assessment.

Bachelor in Secondary Education

The Bachelor in Secondary Education at the University of Sherbrooke1 is a professional program accredited by the Quebec Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports (MERS). Upon completion of the program, students receive a teaching certificate that authorizes them to teach in any secondary school in Quebec.

Like all teacher education programs in Quebec, this is a four-year curriculum that consists of a total of 120 credits. In this particular program, these credits are distributed as follows: 24 credits in education, 63 credits in specific disciplines and didactics (some of these courses are taken in partner faculties in conjunction with students pursuing bachelor degrees in these particular disciplines), 21 internship credits including a cyberfolio, and 12 credits for the reflective process, which includes an essay. Five distinct pathways are offered: Mathematics, Science and Technology, French, Social Studies (History, Geography and Citizenship Education), and English as a Second Language (ESL).

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