A Description of How AI and Blockchain Technology Are Used in Business

A Description of How AI and Blockchain Technology Are Used in Business

Ramiz Salama, Fadi Al-Turjman
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0786-1.ch001
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The ability to build new kinds of cooperation (AI) is one way that the numerous company processes may be improved as a result of the growing firm evolution and the most recent artificial intelligence. Such developing technologies enable the provision of brand services and even some cutting-edge forms of customer and employee interactions in the workplace. Businesses were simultaneously forced to concentrate on their current strategies and actively seek out new market chances on a regular basis as a result of AI digitalization. Blockchain technology can protect data privacy, even though digital technology research in the context of corporate innovation is receiving more attention. This study presents BI-AIBT, or business innovation based on artificial intelligence and blockchain technology, with the aim of increasing corporate operations and upholding secure client relationships. The qualitative empirical data collection consists of a small number of major respondents from two different business sectors.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of research that aims to create machines that are intelligent enough to do complicated activities without the need for human intelligence (Rahman, 2022). As it encourages the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0), such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, cloud computing, and the internet of things (IoT) among others, AI is one of the driving forces behind industrial development. In reality, the proliferation of IoT devices, social media, and online apps has sped up the advancement of AI. This data is employed to train machine learning algorithms. However, there are several issues with AI. Particularly in light of countless data breaches and other cases of abuse, privacy has grown to be a serious issue. The Facebook incident, in which the political consulting company Cambridge Analytica unintentionally targeted millions of users, is one instance of this. The technology cannot be evaluated or trusted since it is unable to interact with or communicate with human users—another concern with AI that is becoming more and more prevalent (Cheng, 2022).

Similar to this, blockchain is growing in popularity as a technology with numerous potential uses in a variety of industries. Blockchain, a revolutionary concept that gained notoriety with the creation of bitcoin in 2008, is still transforming a variety of aspects of our lives, including how we interact, keep track of transactions, and make payments automatically. In reality, the blockchain has enabled its users to send money directly among themselves in a safe and secure manner. Additionally, because blockchain is a shared database that is synced across various locations, the execution of smart contracts may make it easier to check rights and compliances. Using consensus techniques like proof of stake or proof of work, blockchains store data in blocks with hash values and timestamps. Proof of stake is less expensive than proof of labor due to its superior energy efficiency. However, the ability for all mining nodes that have a copy of the whole ledger to independently validate each transaction is made feasible by the fact that every transaction on the blockchain is cryptographically signed. As a result of not requiring a centralized authority to authenticate transactions, blockchain is secure and cost-effective.

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