A Deep Dive Into Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Countermeasures in Online Social Networks

A Deep Dive Into Cybersecurity Risk Assessment and Countermeasures in Online Social Networks

Abdelhadi Zineddine, Yousra Belfaik, Yassine Sadqi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2691-6.ch001
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In the evolving realm of online social networks (OSNs), assessing cybersecurity risks and implementing effective countermeasures are crucial for practitioners. This chapter confronts this challenge, beginning with an extensive literature review that explores the range of threats, vulnerabilities, and attacks prevalent in OSNs. It differentiates between general cybersecurity risks and those unique to OSNs, with a special focus on user-side vulnerabilities. The chapter critically analyzes risk assessment and security assessment, highlighting their distinct yet interconnected roles in cybersecurity. Various risk assessment methods are evaluated for their applicability to OSNs, alongside a discussion of both technical and non-technical countermeasures for risk mitigation. Concluding with key findings and future research directions, this chapter offers a comprehensive guide for understanding and tackling the complex cybersecurity challenges in online social networks.
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In the digital era, online social networks (OSNs) have become integral to our daily communication, information exchange, and even identity management. However, this widespread integration of OSNs into various facets of our lives brings with it an array of cybersecurity risks that cannot be overlooked. This introduction section aims to provide a detailed overview of these risks, emphasizing the threats, vulnerabilities, and potential cyberattacks that jeopardize user data security and privacy.

OSNs are rich repositories of personal information, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals. Threats in these platforms range from identity theft and data breaches to more sophisticated forms of cyberattacks such as social engineering and phishing (Sahoo & Gupta, 2019). For instance, a common tactic employed by attackers is creating fake profiles to disseminate malware through seemingly innocuous links or messages. Additionally, vulnerabilities such as weak encryption or flawed authentication processes can expose user data to unauthorized access (Space, 2018). A notable example was the 2018 Facebook data breach, where attackers exploited vulnerabilities in the platform's code to access over 50 million accounts (Cadwalladr & Graham-Harrison, 2018).

Furthermore, the use of OSNs as identity providers (IDPs) presents a unique cybersecurity challenge. Many websites allow users to log in using their OSN credentials, offering convenience and reducing the burden of managing multiple accounts (Corre et al., 2017). However, this interconnectivity can also be a liability. If an attacker compromises a user’s OSN account, they potentially gain access to a multitude of other services linked to that account. A case in point is the “Single Sign-On” feature used by many websites, which, while convenient, can create a domino effect of security vulnerabilities if the OSN account is compromised (Kontaxis et al., 2011).

In addition, it is clear that cyberattacks are no longer focused on the weaknesses of organizations, but on the vulnerabilities of users within OSNs. While companies are increasingly bolstering their cybersecurity infrastructure, individual users often remain the weakest link. For example, users may unknowingly expose sensitive information through oversharing on social media or fall prey to phishing scams cleverly disguised as genuine communications (Kwak et al., 2020). This trend was evident in the series of “spear phishing” attacks that targeted high-profile Twitter accounts in 2020, exploiting human vulnerabilities rather than system flaws (Witman & Mackelprang, 2022).

The research gap addressed in this chapter pertains to the distinct challenges associated with cybersecurity risk assessment within the realm of OSNs. The primary objective of the chapter is to bridge a deficiency in the existing literature by conducting a thorough exploration of cybersecurity risks inherent in online social networks, coupled with an assessment of various methods tailored to this environment. It underscores the significance of differentiating between general cybersecurity risks and those specific to OSNs, with a pronounced emphasis on vulnerabilities stemming from user-side factors. The chapter not only contributes to a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge but also engages in a critical analysis of the distinct roles played by risk assessment and security assessment in the cybersecurity of OSNs. Furthermore, the research aims to scrutinize both technical and non-technical countermeasures for mitigating risks in OSNs. Ultimately, the chapter offers a holistic guide for comprehending and tackling the intricate cybersecurity challenges unique to the domain of OSNs.

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