A Comprehensive Study of Cyber Threats in the Banking Industry

A Comprehensive Study of Cyber Threats in the Banking Industry

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0839-4.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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In the contemporary digitally connected world, the banking sector places a significant reliance on technology to provide its customers with seamless online services. This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted risks that confront the banking sector, with a primary focus on three key assets: the devices employed for online banking access, the network infrastructure, and the centralized data center/servers. Furthermore, the study explores the area of internal attacks, recognizing the threat posed by insiders and providing knowledge into possible scenarios. The chapter presents a practical scenario that demonstrates the use of identified threats and vulnerabilities in banking. The scenario explains how compromised devices, network breaches, and exploited data center vulnerabilities could lead to a breach of sensitive financial information. The chapter enhances our understanding of the complex security landscape in the banking sector by examining various security risks.
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2. Cybersecurity Terminologies

  • A)

    Vulnerability: These are the weaknesses inherited by a system or its architecture that permit a malevolent actor to execute nefarious commands, illicitly gain entry to sensitive asset like data device etc.

  • B)

    Threat: The actions representing a deliberate attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in a given system for personal gain, while simultaneously causing detrimental effects to its overall operation.

  • C)

    Exploit: An exploit denotes a software component, a methodology, or a malevolent code that exploits a flaw or vulnerability in a computer system, network, or application. Exploits are commonly utilized by attackers with malicious objectives to acquire illicit access, authority, or control over the targeted system or to extract confidential data.

  • D)

    Attacks: The actions which are executed with the intent of causing harm to a system or impeding its regular operations by exploiting its vulnerabilities using an array of tools and techniques. Attackers engage in these attacks to accomplish their malicious objectives, whether it be for personal gratification or financial remuneration.

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