A Comparison of India's Higher Education Quality Accreditation Parameters With Those of Other International Accreditation Agencies

A Comparison of India's Higher Education Quality Accreditation Parameters With Those of Other International Accreditation Agencies

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1698-6.ch001
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The quality examination of Indian higher education institutions plays a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of high-quality education to students. This analysis is important in a country like India, which has a large and diverse higher education system. In this chapter, the authors explore the past and present efforts made by various accreditation agencies and organizations in India to maintain and enhance the quality of education in higher education institutions. In order to provide students with high-quality instruction and track any decline in the availability of higher education, several quality control and education assessment units were established in India. This integration between academic learning and the corporate world ensures that students are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their fields. By examining the establishment of quality control units, the role of accreditation agencies, and the impact of accreditation on educational standards, the authors aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the quality examination process in Indian higher education.
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Education institutions require high-quality accreditation. According to Wagner, Hassanein, and Head (2008), accreditation is the process through which an organization or agency is connected to educational institutions in order to examine and analyze the instruction and learning they offer. For quality Assurance, different accreditation standards across the world have been laid down such as the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), National Board of Accreditation (NBA). These accreditations evaluate quality based on factors like Program Objectives, Teaching-Learning process, Students Profile, Infrastructure, Faculty Empowerment, Student Empowerment, Health Care, and many more (Arora, 2022). Over time, education and learning have been more widely recognized in India. The number of universities increased from 27 in 1950 to 504 in 2009, according to a 2011 Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) report. There is a noticeable rise in the number of central and state universities, with 42 at the central level, 243 at the state level, 53 at the state private level, 130 deemed, and 33 institutions of national importance. There were 578 colleges in 1950, and 30,000 in 2011, while according to a survey by statista.com there were 43,000 colleges in 2021.

Accreditation agencies now play a more important role as the number of educational institutions rises (Vikas, 2012; Gaston, 2023). These units look at the standards for instruction in educational settings so that students can receive high-quality instruction. This will assist the students in identifying colleges for the purpose of enrollment and figuring out the points that can be transferred for credit. Accreditation agencies ensure that colleges meet certain criteria, such as faculty qualifications and curriculum standards, which helps maintain the quality of education. Additionally, they provide a framework for students to compare different colleges and make informed decisions about their education. By evaluating and accrediting institutions, these agencies also help students determine if their credits earned at one college can be transferred to another, ensuring a smooth transition between institutions. Overall, accreditation agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of the education system as it continues to expand.

Accreditation organizations like AICTE have implemented several initiatives, such as course offerings, facilities, curriculum, grant approvals, and workshops like MDPs and FDPs, to give students experience in the industry as they study academic subjects. In order to provide students with a high-quality education, the AICTE has mandated cross-functional learning, training, and research in disciplines such as engineering and technology, as well as student mentoring. Students' grades have improved by roughly 20% to 23% as a result of this, as well as their performance. Also, in order to enhance the standard of education, criteria-based assessment has been implemented to update and address problems with the curriculum, teaching-learning assessment, research, innovations, infrastructure, etc. (Scott, 2005; Pandit and Paul, 2023). Accreditation is granted based on reviews conducted by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA). It does assessments through the institution's programs, which are authorized by the council, every six years. In order to raise the standard of education, it also gives feedback information to diverse colleges, universities, and organizations in higher education. Ballari Institute of Technology & Management (Karnataka), Technical Institute of Advanced Studies (Delhi), and other educational institutions have seen an increase in enrollment of between 15% and 18% as a result of this assistance in providing transparent and high-quality education (Schwarz & Westerheijden, 2004).

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