A Combined Survey on Machine Learning for Cognitive Radio Deployed on Secure WBAN Environments

A Combined Survey on Machine Learning for Cognitive Radio Deployed on Secure WBAN Environments

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9823-1.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Wireless body area network (WBAN) security and cognitive radio networks (CRNs) are two separate topics in the field of wireless communication, but they can be related in some ways. WBANs are wireless networks that are designed to operate on or around the human body, typically for medical or healthcare applications. These networks often involve small, low-power devices that can monitor vital signs, track movement, or even deliver medication. Security is a critical concern in WBANs, as they often deal with sensitive personal information and may be vulnerable to various types of attacks. Some of the security challenges in WBANs include confidentiality, integrity, availability, privacy, and authentication. CRNs are wireless networks that allow devices to dynamically adapt to their environment by changing their transmission and reception parameters. This technology can improve the efficiency and reliability of wireless communication, but it also introduces security challenges, an attacker may try to manipulate the cognitive radio's sensing mechanism or jam the spectrum to disrupt the network. potential connections between WBAN security and CRNs. For instance, cognitive radios can be used to enhance the security of WBANs by providing more secure communication channels or detecting and mitigating attacks. Some of the security mechanisms developed for WBANs, such as secure authentication and encryption protocols, can be applied to CRNs to improve their security posture. WBAN security and CRNs are distinct topics, there is potential for these technologies to complement each other and enhance the overall security of wireless networks. the relationship between WBAN and CRN's is the specific objective is the primarily centered around spectrum management, interference mitigation, and secure spectrum sharing. By intelligently adapting to the wireless environment and optimizing spectrum usage, CR can enhance the security and reliability of WBAN communication in healthcare and other contexts where WBANs are deployed.
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1. Introduction Wban

The new inventions in health care devices have led to a considerable increase in the human life span. Miniaturized bio-sensing elements and dedicated wireless communication bands have led to the development of a new arena called Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) (IEEE 802.11.6). WBAN was first introduced by Zimmerman T.G (1996), and was initially known as Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) in which the node has a transmission range of three meters. Body Area Networks (BAN) plays a significant role in medical, non-medical, military and emergency services. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) survey, cardiovascular diseases affected an estimated 17.5 million people in 2012, representing 31 percent of all global sicknesses. All over the world, 180 million people are currently affected by diabetes and around the year 2030, it is expected to be 360 million. A rapid rise in Neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s is threatening millions more. In India, there is a significant growth in the population of aged people and the expenses spent on caretakers are getting increased. The author [1] mentioned the need for an inexpensive monitoring device and a secure communication system for monitoring at the doctor’s end.

Devices like wearable ECG, Electromyography (EMG), Electroencephalography (EEG), Blood Pressure (BP), Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) and temperature monitor the subject and collect the data. The developments of WBAN technology made it practical to sense and communicate various medical and non-medical signal applications as shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.

WBAN applications


This vital information is communicated through an open wireless channel to the doctor’s programming device on demand or on a daily basis. The communication of these signals are made through dedicated frequencies like Wireless Medical Telemetry Services (WMTS), unlicensed Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) Band, Ultra-Wide Band and Medical Implanted Communication services (MICS) band for bio-medical signal transmission [2] . The WMTS is urged by Federal Communication Commission (FCC) only eight medical devices operate on the 14 MHz band and only authorized persons are allowed to operate this medical frequency. A licensed MICS band used to communicate between sensors which operate in a frequency range of 402 – 405MHz. Thus, a more collusion free radio network is provided, but still, the data transmitted is kept open in the transmission medium [3]. This Body area Node (BN) or Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) are kept invasive to the human body, thus making a miniature structure. The BN consists of a wireless module, a small processor and a miniature battery. Therefore, it became mandatory to design a Light Weight (LW) operating system with an LW security algorithm to protect the data and device from an attacker. The IMD placed in the human body is connected to another reliable node or to an IMD programmer through a wireless telemetry interface. The wireless communication between devices is not an authenticated channel and unencrypted information is transmitted. The wireless module has simple password protection, and once it is cracked, it's possible to wirelessly re-configure the software protocol (that is intended for a lifesaving purpose) or alter the transmitted signal. This PV has more valuable information when hacked during communication and can mislead to false treatment leading to life-threatening situations. The various wireless telemetry interface security threats are analyzed. And also security attacks with special emphasis are given for the security issues of data privacy and device authentication during communication.

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