A Case Study on a Beacon of Hope Transition: India's Renewable Energy Integration and the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY)

A Case Study on a Beacon of Hope Transition: India's Renewable Energy Integration and the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY)

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1297-1.ch015
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This case study examines the transformative impact of the Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) on India's energy landscape, focusing on its role in facilitating renewable energy integration. India's energy sector faced daunting challenges, including financially distressed power distribution companies (DISCOMs) and high aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses. UDAY's financial restructuring and operational efficiency improvements led to remarkable reductions in DISCOMs' debt burdens and AT&C losses, respectively. The policy aligned with India's renewable energy goals, driving DISCOMs to procure renewable energy sources. Consequently, India witnessed significant growth in its renewable energy capacity, environmental benefits through reduced emissions, and economic growth via job creation. This case study offers insights into the challenges faced, technological advancements incentivized, and the long-term sustainability of these reforms. Moreover, it presents broader lessons for energy sector reform and renewable energy integration, both within India and globally.
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Learning Objectives

  • Understand the challenges and constraints faced by India's energy sector, including financially distressed DISCOMs and high AT&C losses.

  • Analyze the key objectives and components of Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) and its role in addressing the financial and operational issues of DISCOMs.

  • Evaluate the impact of UDAY on improving the financial health of DISCOMs through debt restructuring and reduced interest burdens.

  • Examine the role of UDAY in reducing aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses and its contribution to a more efficient distribution system.

  • Investigate how UDAY aligned with India's renewable energy goals, including the incorporation of Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) and preferential tariffs.

  • Assess the environmental benefits of UDAY's promotion of renewable energy integration, including reductions in carbon emissions and fossil fuel dependence.



India, as one of the world's most populous and rapidly developing nations, has long grappled with significant challenges in its energy sector. The country's energy landscape was characterized by a heavy reliance on fossil fuels, financially distressed power distribution companies (DISCOMs), and inadequate infrastructure. These issues not only hindered the growth of the energy sector but also posed serious environmental and economic challenges. Amid these challenges, India recognized the need to transition to renewable energy sources to mitigate environmental concerns, enhance energy security, and foster sustainable economic growth. The Indian government introduced several policies and initiatives to promote renewable energy adoption, including the National Solar Mission and the National Wind Mission, both aimed at boosting solar and wind energy capacity.

  • India's Energy Challenges: India's energy landscape was marred by financially ailing DISCOMs, mounting debt, and operational inefficiencies. High AT&C losses, inadequate infrastructure, and outdated metering systems contributed to the challenges.

  • Renewable Energy Aspirations: India recognized the importance of renewable energy to mitigate environmental concerns, enhance energy security, and foster sustainable economic growth. Initiatives like the National Solar Mission and the National Wind Mission set ambitious targets for solar and wind power capacity.

The electricity sector in India is facing significant challenges, including high debt levels, inefficient distribution companies, and inadequate investment in infrastructure. The Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY) was launched in 2015 to address these challenges by providing financial support to distribution companies and encouraging them to reduce their losses. Several studies have examined the impact of UDAY on the Indian electricity sector. Bajaj and Sheoran (2022) found that UDAY has had a positive spillover impact on the economy by reducing electricity tariffs and increasing demand. Bhardwaj and Sharma (2022) found that UDAY has helped to improve the financial sustainability of distribution companies in Rajasthan. Singh and Vashishtha (2019) found that UDAY has empowered the power sector in Haryana by providing it with financial stability and reducing political interference.

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