A Bird's Eye View of Qualitative Research

A Bird's Eye View of Qualitative Research

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1726-6.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of qualitative research, catering to both novice and experienced researchers. It explores the philosophical foundations, research designs, sample selection, and coding intricacies. Emphasizing the paramount importance of research quality, it offers strategies for rigor, credibility, and transferability. Navigating the multifaceted landscape of data analysis, the chapter equips readers with diverse methodologies. Serving as a valuable resource, it guides researchers in conceptualizing studies, refining questions, and interpreting findings. This bird's eye view empowers researchers to confidently navigate the nuanced terrain of qualitative inquiry, ensuring proficiency in conducting robust and meaningful research.
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The purpose of this book chapter is to provide an overview of qualitative research especially for novice learners, graduate students, etc. What is qualitative research? Philosophical Assumptions of Qualitative Research, Research Designs, Selecting Samples, Coding, Quality of Qualitative Research, Data Analysis, etc.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Ethnography: A qualitative research method that involves extensive observation and engagement within a specific cultural or social group to gain an in-depth understanding of their practices, beliefs, and values.

Case Study: A qualitative research method that focuses on a detailed examination and analysis of a particular individual, group, or phenomenon in its real-life context, aiming to provide rich and holistic insights.

Triangulation: The process of using multiple methods, data sources, or researchers to ensure the credibility, validity, and reliability of findings in qualitative research.

Qualitative Research: A research approach that aims to understand and interpret phenomena through in-depth exploration of subjective experiences, beliefs, and behaviors, utilizing non-numerical data.

Phenomenology: A qualitative research method that focuses on exploring and understanding the essence of human experience and meaning making.

Trustworthiness: The extent to which qualitative research findings are considered reliable, credible, transferable, and confirmable.

Grounded theory: A qualitative research method that aims to develop theories and concepts from empirical data through constant comparison and theoretical sampling.

Data Saturation: The point in qualitative research where additional data collection ceases to provide new insights or generate additional categories or themes.

Thematic Analysis: A qualitative data analysis approach that involves identifying, analyzing, and interpreting patterns or themes across a dataset, providing a comprehensive account of participants' experiences and perspectives.

Reflexivity: The practice of reflecting on one's own biases, assumptions, and values, and considering their potential influence on the research process and findings in qualitative research.

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