A Bibliometric Analysis on Sustainable Health and Happiness Using VOS Viewer

A Bibliometric Analysis on Sustainable Health and Happiness Using VOS Viewer

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3470-6.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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Due to increased globalisation, the competition level has increased. Employees are working for long hours in order to complete the targets and save their jobs and because of this they are suffering from stress, burnout, and not able to give time to their friends, families. This is impacting the mental health of the employees. Articles on happiness at work, wellbeing, happiness management served as the foundation for the bibliometric analysis. The data base used to extract the data was Scopus. Bibliometric analysis technique was used in this study and the data used in this study was extracted from Scopus. For analysing the last 10 years of studies, bibliometric analyses were used. It was found that United States has done more contribution towards wellbeing.
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