6G With Smart Healthcare, Haptic Communication

6G With Smart Healthcare, Haptic Communication

ArunKumar S., Sivakami K., VijayaKarthik S. V., Deepa S. M.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9636-4.ch015
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Every healthcare division should be provided with sophisticated technology to offer patients appropriate diagnostics, therapies, and a variety of health services either inside hospitals or remotely. A quick responding division is also necessary to deal with the influx of patients and inquiries throughout disasters. This would control not just the healthcare field, but also a variety of other industries. Many industries, notably healthcare, are likely to be transformed by 6G. Healthcare and hospitals will be entirely AI-driven and reliant on 6G connectivity technologies, altering our perspective of life. Nowadays, time and area seem to be the most crucial hurdles to medical systems, which 6G would be capable of overcoming. Under the human-centric perspective of 6th-generation wireless technology, this chapter examines healthcare communication and networking issues and potential strategies for early warning and quick action in crisis scenarios. This chapter also discusses the problems encountered during the deployment of 6G, as well as applicability and future research directions.
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Many researchers are interested in 6G communication technology because of its unique features and potential. 6G telecommunications networks are primarily characterized by abundant connectivity, high bandwidth, ultra-reliability, and low latency to satisfy the necessities of real-world applications namely robotics & autonomous vehicles, healthcare, transportation management frameworks, telepresence, AR, and VR. Many characteristics of 6G are already addressed in a prime forum, and several criteria for 6G communication technology are constantly being gathered. Furthermore, (Nayak &Patgiri, 2021) discuss the concerns and obstacles associated with 6G telecommunication technology. These concepts are also discussed in the works of (Saad et al., 2019).

Many countries have already begun the deployment of 6G communication technologies. Finland was the first to start a 6G project in 2018. Second, in 2019, the US, South Korea, and China launched the 6G initiative. Japan has recently announced a 6G research initiative for 2020. Furthermore, various 6G algorithms have been created which have been summarized in the works of (Quiet al., 2020). It is now critical to begin the 6G project to avoid falling behind other various countries. On the other hand, 5G communication technology has yet to be fully deployed globally, and B5G has yet to be developed. B5G and 5G have several disadvantages when it comes to revolutionizing current lifestyles, society, and industry as mentioned in the works of (Chen et al.,2020). For example, due to the decreased data rate, holographic communication is not possible. As a result, now is the best moment to think about the future of 6G communication network technology. It is also vital to consider upcoming healthcare to ensure the well-being of society's citizens as stated by (Dang et al., 2020).

The present healthcare system only provides basic services and space & time which are the most significant barriers. In the current environment, this is unavoidable; furthermore, it would not be a hurdle in the upcoming years. In addition, an ambulance facility is simply a patient rider with oxygen along with priority in road traffic that cannot be provided by a regular car. Furthermore, given current circumstances, the aged service is inadequate. Medical personnel must provide intensive care to the elderly. However, it is now unavailable. Most patients die in ambulances on their way from H2H or before the ambulance arrives at the destination. In addition, the accident detection method is not currently available in healthcare systems.

To deliver medical assistance on time and spot, the accident detection method needs real-time detection. Furthermore, due to a lack of technological infrastructure, epidemics & contagion outbursts, such as COVID-19 could not be kept under control. In the future, a virus of this type will emerge. As a result, developing an intelligent healthcare system is very essential. It is predicted that 6G telecommunications will radically transform healthcare, so the health care system will be wholly reliant on wireless communication. The fundamental change in healthcare because of the advancement of telecommunications will be seen. Owing to communication problems, today's conventional healthcare framework is unable to perform telesurgery. Furthermore, emergency services like ambulances will be phased out. Wearable gadgets must be reimagined. The hospital must be restructured.

To surmount the limitations of 5G for addressing the new issues, a 6G wireless communications with additional appealing characteristics will have to be created. The confluence of all previous aspects, including network densification, high throughput, high dependability, lower power usage, and enormous connection, would be the primary catalyst of 6G. The 6G telecommunication network will also carry on the earlier generations' pattern of innovative features with the addition of new technology. AI, smart wearables, implants, driverless cars, computational reality tools, sensing, as well as 3D mapping are among the novel services (Saad et al., 2019). The capacity to control a large quantity of data plus a very high-data-rate connection per each device is the key essential requirement for a 6G wireless communication system (Mao et al., 2020). This chapter describes how 6G communication systems can be built, as well as predicts how 6G technology & research challenges are needed to fulfill the demands and expectations of the smart networks.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Ethnocentric: A belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures.

Family-Centricity: The belief that family is central to well-being and that family members and family issues take precedence over other aspects of life.

Appalachia: A geographic and cultural region of the Mideastern United States. The population in media is portrayed as suspicious, backward, and isolated.

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