6G With Smart Healthcare, Haptic Communication: An Overall Perspective

6G With Smart Healthcare, Haptic Communication: An Overall Perspective

Kousalya K., Mohana R. S., Sasipriyaa N., Prabha C., Udhayakumar T.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9636-4.ch013
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From 2030 onward, 6G is a potential communication technology that will dominate the whole health sector. Finland was the first to start a 6G experiment in 2018. Second, in 2019, the US, South Korea, and China launched the 6G initiative. Japan has just announced a 6G research initiative for 2020. In addition, 6G has spawned a slew of new algorithms. It is now critical to begin the 6G project in order to avoid falling behind other countries. On the other hand, 5G communication technology has yet to be fully deployed globally, and B5G has yet to be created. 5G and B5G will have a number of disadvantages when it comes to revolutionizing current lifestyles, society, and industry. For example, due to the reduced data rate, holographic communication is not possible. As a result, now is the best moment to think about the future of 6G communication technology. It is also important to consider future healthcare in order to ensure the well-being of society's citizens. It will rule not just the health industry, but also a variety of other industries.
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Many academics are interested in 6G communication technology because of its unique characteristics and benefits. It will change a variety of sectors, and we will see the effects starting around 2030. Many elements of 6G have previously been addressed in a prime forum, and various needs for 6G communication technology are constantly being gathered (Saad et al, 2017). Furthermore, Nayak & Patgiri (2021) discuss the difficulties and obstacles associated with 6G communication technology. Many nations have previously begun the implementation of 6G communication technologies. Finland was the first to start a 6G project in 2018 (Shashika Manosha et al,2019). Second, in 2019 (Dang, S et al,2020), the US, South Korea, and China launched the 6G initiative.

Because of its unique characteristics and benefits, 6G communication technology has piqued the interest of many academics. It will affect a wide range of industries, with the first signs appearing around 2030. Many features of 6G communication technology have previously been addressed in a public forum, and additional needs for 6G communication technology are constantly being collected(Gui, G et al,2020).

The current healthcare system only delivers basic treatments, and the most major impediments are time and distance. This is unavoidable in the current situation; nevertheless, it will not be a barrier shortly. Furthermore, the ambulance service is only a patient carrier with oxygen and priority on the road, both of which may be provided by a regular car. Furthermore, given present circumstances, the senior service is quite poor. Medical personnel must provide intensive care to the elderly. However, it is now unavailable. The majority of patients die in ambulances on their way from residence to hospital or before the ambulance arrives at the destination.

Furthermore, accident detection technology is currently unavailable in healthcare settings. The accident detection system requires real-time detection to provide medical aid on the spot. Furthermore, diseases and pandemic breakouts, such as COVID-19, cannot be managed to owe to a lack of technological infrastructure. A virus of this sort will develop in the future. As a result, it's vital to create an intelligent healthcare system.

6G communication technology for future healthcare (Chen, S et al, 2020) requires a high data rate (1 Tbps), high operational frequency (1 THz), low end-to-end latency (1 ms), high reliability (10-9), high mobility (1000 kmh), and a wavelength of 300 m. In particular, telesurgery necessitates real-time communication. Holographic communication and augmented/virtual reality will also aid intelligent healthcare systems. On the other hand, 5G and B5G will be unable to provide intelligent healthcare. Intelligent healthcare will be widely adopted in the 5G era, which will be a significant advancement. Rural connectivity, on the other hand, continues to be a challenge for both 5G communication technology (Yaacoub, E., & Alouini, M. S., 2020) and healthcare. Figure 1 depicts a landscape of intelligent health services, which shows how communication technology improves the performance of health services.

Figure 1.

Intelligent health care system


6G communication technology is predicted to fundamentally transform healthcare, with healthcare being reliant on communication technology. We shall see how communication technology has caused a paradigm change in healthcare. The existing state-of-the-art healthcare system is unable to do telesurgery due to communication issues. The ambulance service will also be phased away. Wearable technology has to be rethought. The facility has to be restructured. Real-time health care should be provided. Health monitoring and senior-care services need to be reconsidered. As a result, we expect 6G communication technology to be used in future healthcare.

We also value the quality of service (QoS), quality of experience (QoE), and quality of life (QoL) (QoL). We also predict the need for Hospital-to-Home (H2H) services, a Blood Sample Reader (BSR) sensor, Intelligent Wearable Devices (IWD), and a Business Model for Hospital Health Insurance (HIH). Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Edge technologies are also considered concerning healthcare.

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