6G-Enabled Internet of Things-Artificial Intelligence-Based Digital Twins: Cybersecurity and Resilience

6G-Enabled Internet of Things-Artificial Intelligence-Based Digital Twins: Cybersecurity and Resilience

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 32
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2081-5.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
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The convergence of sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks, internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the way for the development of 6G-enabled IoT-AI based digital twins. These digital twins, virtual representations of physical objects or systems, offer enhanced capabilities for real-time monitoring, optimization, and control. However, as these systems become more interconnected and critical to various domains, cybersecurity and resilience become important issues. This work explores the cyber-security challenges and resilience requirements associated with 6G-enabled IoT-AI based digital twins. It examines potential vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks that could compromise the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of digital twin ecosystems. Moreover, it discusses the measures and strategies that can be employed to ensure cybersecurity and resilience, including secure design principles, authentication and access control mechanisms, anomaly detection, data encryption, and secure communication protocols.
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1. Introduction About 6G-Enabled, Iot-Ai-Based Digital Twins

6G-enabled IoT-AI based digital twins are an emerging concept that combines the capabilities of sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) to create virtual representations of physical objects, processes, or systems (Mahmood & Hu, 2020; Yao et al., 2020). A digital twin is a virtual model that mirrors the real-world counterpart, capturing its characteristics, behavior, and interactions. In the context of 6G-enabled IoT-AI based digital twins, these virtual representations are enhanced with advanced AI algorithms, considering the massive amount of data generated by IoT devices and the ultra-low latency and high bandwidth provided by 6G networks. This convergence enables real-time data analysis, predictive modeling, and decision-making capabilities, leading to enhanced performance, efficiency, and innovation across various domains.

By considering the power of 6G networks, which are expected to provide unprecedented connectivity speeds, ultra-low latency, large device density, and high reliability, IoT devices can transmit large volumes of data to the cloud or edge computing platforms for processing (Wu et al., 2016). AI algorithms, including machine learning and deep learning techniques, can then analyze this data to derive meaningful information, patterns, and predictions.

This information are used to build and refine digital twins, which serve as virtual replicas of physical objects or systems. Digital twins can be applied to a wide range of applications/ scenarios, such as smart cities, industrial automation, healthcare, transportation, and more. They enable real-time monitoring, optimization, and control of physical assets, allowing for proactive maintenance, efficient resource allocation, and improved decision-making. The integration of AI with digital twins enhances their capabilities by enabling intelligent automation, anomaly detection, optimization, and autonomous decision-making. AI algorithms can learn from historical data and continuously adapt to changing conditions, allowing digital twins to provide more accurate predictions and recommendations. Note that 6G-enabled IoT-AI based digital twins hold great potential for transforming industries and enabling innovative applications. They can enable autonomous systems, optimize resource usage, enhance sustainability, improve safety, and create new business models. However, the development and deployment of these technologies also raise important issues regarding data privacy, security, ethics, and the responsible use of AI. Hence, as research and development in 6G networks, IoT, and AI continue to progress, we can expect to see further advancements in the capabilities and applications of IoT-AI based digital twins, unlocking new opportunities for industries and society as a whole. Now figure 1 provides a detail description/ difference between 5G and 6G.

Figure 1.

Difference between 5G vs. 6G


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