6G-Based Mobile IPTV Using Adaptive Hybrid Transmission

6G-Based Mobile IPTV Using Adaptive Hybrid Transmission

Augustine C., Jose Anand, Vinoth Kumar K., Kaleeswaran D., Muneeswari G., Santhoshkumar S. P.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9636-4.ch004
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The arrival of the 6th generation (6G) technology will revolutionize the digital transformation of society. It offers speeds of several gigabits per second, with small latencies less than 5ms, ultra-reliable transmission medium, while it is able to handle a huge quantity of nodes simultaneously connected to the network. 6G will be accepted for commercial launch within 10 years. 6G will be industrialized in retort to progress the dispersed radio access network (RAN) and longing to use terahertz band to increase the number of users. On proposing an adaptive hybrid transmission (AHT) arrangement about 6G with mobile internet protocol television network (MIPTVN), the proposed algorithm uses a hybrid mechanism. The AHT mechanism is the combination of the multichannel multicast and unicast process which increases the service over service probability of blocking the service and reduces the overall bandwidth consumption of MIPTVN on demand over 6G.
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By the necessity of internet-based requests raises everywhere in the universe, IPTV proposed by (Soohong Park et al., 2008) become more famous & committed to transferring multimedia data with clients when needed data in all the aspects. In Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), mobile handling users the person who have any kinds of Internet Protocol (IP) devices they can get the video content whatever they needed where ever they are discussed by (S. Ando et al., 2015). IPTV can be adapted to wireless and wireless networks with considering to mobility device called mobile IPTV considering relevant technical problems. With the mobile IPTV, receivers can use IPTV services whatever they want and wherever they are using the Internet Protocol address. Recently, ITU-T FG IPTV is at the front head of IPTV standardization. This helps out the IPTV content provider to consider the technical issues and obstacles while providing the service to the users. On the other hand, an application was designed and developed with multimedia content over wireless communication that becomes an emerging technology. It has involved much attraction with the convergence of broadcasting according to (J. W. Wong, 1988) and networks IPTV, a broadcasting facility utilizing Internet Protocol (IP) network are famous in emerging professional methods. In addition, an IPTV requirement with cable-less service is increasing proposed by (L. S. Juhn & L. M. Tseng. 1998). Today, widespread IEEE 802.11 technology is available with cable-less networks for the preceding mile influences, which is promising for the delivery of IPTV.

On the theory of telecommunication standardization sector ITU-T IPTV service provider scenarios, Video-on-Demand (VoD) service is defined that it is a video service that allows the end-users whatever they want where ever they are at any point in video time. The end-user has full control over the video content that the user wants to watch and at which point of the time the user wants to watch the video content. Video content has to be provided with metadata content and with content protection by the service provider to the user. The service provider transfers the video content according to the agreement which deals between the content provider & service provider. When end users request a particular video, the service provider checks whether the video content is already transmitted through the multicasting method. If it is already transmitted through the multicasting method the service provider finds the multicast address and joins the new request client to that particular address. This method may add service negotiation with the customers. If the particular video is not transmitted through a multicast group the service provider transmits the particular video content through the unicast method. If the particular video receives more requests after a certain period the video content is transmitted from unicast method to multicast method. The video is transmitted through the unicast method or multicast method is based on the service request rate of the particular video proposed by (W. T. Wong et al., 1995)

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