5G Cityscape: Unleashing Seamless Connectivity for Smart Urban Evolution

5G Cityscape: Unleashing Seamless Connectivity for Smart Urban Evolution

Manisha Koranga, Tarun Kumar, Sujata Negi Thakur, Richa Pandey, Mayurika Joshi
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2373-1.ch004
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The rise of 5G technology marks a significant shift in smart city development, bringing unprecedented connectivity and transformative opportunities. This chapter explores its profound impact on urban evolution, focusing on creating intelligent cityscapes. It examines key 5G components like the radio access network, core network, network slicing, edge computing, and IoT devices, enabling real-time monitoring, efficient resource management, and innovation in transportation, healthcare, public safety, and energy sectors. 5G facilitates intelligent transportation, enhances public safety via high-resolution video surveillance, and revolutionizes healthcare through telemedicine. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, enabled by 5G, drive innovative urban solutions. The economic and societal implications, including economic growth, job creation, and civic engagement, are discussed. Overall, 5G fosters sustainable, efficient, and citizen-centric urban environments.
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Literature Review

In an era where urbanization is rapidly advancing, the role of 5G technology in influencing the future of smart cities is pivotal. This literature review delves into the scholarly discourse, aiming to elucidate the multifaceted dimensions of the “5G Cityscape.”

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