QR Code Approaches to Cybersecurity

QR Code Approaches to Cybersecurity

Pages: 300
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2778-4
ISBN13: 9798369327784|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369350409|EISBN13: 9798369327791
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Description & Coverage

It is considered that the potential users and readers of this book would be both teachers and students at the undergraduate level. The teachers would have at their fingertips new and innovative material for their classes: By combining the multiple applications of QR codes with augmented reality teachers can carry out more innovative work dynamics and, surely, the new technologies would be a catalytic aspect for students to learn in a more emotional way and, with this, develop more aptitudes and skills in the classroom. However, this proposal is not limited to being a didactic material or support material for teaching activities. Rather, it is aimed at scholars in the field with or without specific knowledge about creating QR codes so that they feel motivated to develop new applications, processes, or software that help and strengthen the transfer of knowledge in a classroom. Of course, by creating and fostering new educational environments, it is expected that the quality of the teaching/learning process will improve. And not only of the students but also of the teachers who choose to introduce this topic to their teaching activities. The creation and presentation of new works in the current learning platforms, based on QR codes, will allow students of any area of knowledge to obtain quality knowledge, as well as a correct approach to new technologies for the timely execution of their activities. For example, a work that is being considered beforehand in this book is the following: With the development of technological advances today, two types of vulnerabilities can be observed in maritime customs accesses, physical accesses and electronic accesses. The objective of this book chapter is to analyze the vulnerabilities that were found in both areas and a possible, and real, solution would be to use QR codes and multilevel QR codes so that, through them, technological applications can be generated with a better identification of people accessing the facilities of the conglomerate known as maritime or land customs.

Without a doubt, the main objective of this book is to show multiple practical but, above all, real examples where QR codes or multilevel QR codes are used. For example, currently, the mobility of people has increased considerably around the world. Due to this dynamic, multiple applications can be established or created, based on QR codes, which can be used by any country, region, institution, or company that wishes to strengthen its territorial security for people entering or leaving them. That is, in this book different means of electronic identification and biometric authentication can be concentrated for their application in access control and, at the same time, show the current situation of access control in a country, region, institution, or company. All of this is to have a better capacity to predict potential threats and to have an optimal response in the event of a state of emergency. In this way, in this work the following is assumed: The implementation of electronic identification devices, through multilevel QR codes, is a novel and efficient strategy that allows for strengthening access control and increasing the security of a country, region, or institution. or company and not only of people but also of goods or animals. The works selected to integrate this book will demonstrate that, even when digital control means already exist such as Identification Badges and Unique Identification Badges with traditional barcodes, these can be easily falsified, which increases the risk of being misused and violates and alters the security of a country, region, institution or company. Without a doubt, and based on the analysis of the chapters of selected books and to mitigate the risks of a possible security breach, the best combination of security and cybersecurity issues for the accesses and exits of a country will be presented. , region, institution, or company. This work increases the characteristics outlined in the immediately preceding text since these proposals will serve to understand the processes involved in the issue of security through QR codes in all their modalities. These processes should be focused so that those interested in the topic learn activities that they could hardly do traditionally, mainly because the way of learning them can include various senses such as sight, hearing, and touch. Without a doubt, this book proposes interactive platforms, through totally viable and real examples, that contain elements related to these senses of the human being and whose purpose is to present QR codes as a new and efficient security measure (both for human beings humans as well as for goods entering a country or region). On the other hand, this work also aims to show new learning platforms, through QR codes - for example, by making use of augmented reality, virtual reality, or mixed reality - that serve to strengthen knowledge. assimilated by students and teachers who wish to delve deeper into the topic.

The creation of new technological security and/or learning platforms, based on QR codes, will allow students and teachers, from any area of knowledge, to obtain quality and cutting-edge knowledge, as well as a correct approach to the new technologies for the timely execution and/or development of their activities. In this context, to assimilate new know-how skills, students must, in turn, learn to perform new procedures: for example, some of these procedures can be simulated with AR, which can be initiated by a QR code. Thus, countless platforms with these qualities are an adequate training medium for both students and teachers to evaluate their learning and, if possible, generate new knowledge. The multiple scenarios this book offers are extremely competent. Furthermore, they can be adopted in various fields of knowledge. Furthermore, some applications target the mass market for advertising, entertainment, and education. Therefore, this book is unique because there are currently no contributions of this nature. That is to say, we have not perceived many works that seek to motivate both teachers and students through the creation of new security environments, carried out through multilevel QR codes. Consequently, from its precise approach, the present contribution is different from any that could exist in the educational and teaching market.

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Editor/Author Biographies
Gerardo Reyes Ruiz is an Actuary by training from the Faculty of Sciences-UNAM; he studied a Specialty in Econometrics in the Postgraduate Studies Division of the Faculty of Economics-UNAM; He obtained a Master's and Doctorate (with a scholarship from CONACYT and the Carolina Foundation) in Business Studies (actuarial profile) from the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona, Spain. In the Doctorate he graduated with the highest honors awarded to a thesis of this nature, that is, he obtained the qualification of Excellent Cum Laude. Later he did a postdoctoral stay at the Center for Economic, Administrative, and Social Studies (CIECAS) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN). His work experience has been in public education institutions (UNAM, UAEM, IPN, Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales-CESNAV) where he has taught classes in Bachelor's, Specialty, Master, and Doctorate degrees. In some of these institutions, he developed several research projects, including Basic Science, forming and creating Research Networks (both nationally and internationally). All this accumulated experience allowed him to enter the National System of Researchers (SNI), Social Area, of Mexico (he has the appointment of Level I National Researcher). He is currently attached to the Center for Superior Naval Studies (CESNAV), in Mexico.
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