WSN-Based Information Dissemination for Optimizing Irrigation Through Prescriptive Farming

WSN-Based Information Dissemination for Optimizing Irrigation Through Prescriptive Farming

Balakrishna K.
DOI: 10.4018/IJAEIS.2020100103
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Prescriptive agriculture is the art of science utilizing modern technology to enhance productivity with optimizing inputs/cost. In this paper, the advent of wireless sensor network, APSim, and statistical software spurred a new direction in the farming domain at optimizing irrigation. Sensors are designed to collect the datasets of climatic parameters such as relative humidity and temperature, where the datasets were forwarded to the server through a GSM module. Datasets collected were analyzed through statistical software for grown crops by considering field soil conditions and evapotranspiration. Finally, information on irrigation is determined through an algorithm designed by way2SMS and WebHost server.
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2. Literature Survey

(T. Ojha, S. Misra and N.S. Raghuwanshi, 2015) reviewed the potential of future challenges associated with deploying WSN and its applicability in agriculture and farming towards improved performance and productivity along with specific issues associated with it. Paper considers two main variants of WSN i.e. Terrestrial Wireless Sensor Network (TWSN) and Underground Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN), a TWSN is a node above the ground surface and UWSN is a node planted inside the soil to determine the moisture content of the soil and decide the irrigation schedule. Comparatively, TWSN suits better than UWSN for selected features condition, where the gateway node is used to collect the information. Then the information can be transmitted over the Wi-Fi, GPRS or Bluetooth to reach a remote database and finally to the user through a cell phone.

(Tuan Dinh Le and Dat Ho Tan., 2015) designed WSN to collect environmental parameters such as Temperature and Humidity at an interval of 30 minutes for nearly 6 months i.e 48 datasets per day. On the software part, he proposed the Management framework for Precision Agriculture as a data collection module, the controller module, and the data prediction module. Decision making and action performing policy are taken care of by the controller module and Prediction done based on the stochastic process of Dynamic Bayesian Network for predicting parameters. Based on the performance evaluation of the proposed prediction module for temperature and humidity is 77.5% and 67.6% respectively.

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