Women Trafficking Problem in Assam: The Behavioral Game Aspects

Women Trafficking Problem in Assam: The Behavioral Game Aspects

Rupamjyoti Nath, Manjit Das
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/IJABE.2021070102
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The increasing numbers of newspaper reports on disappearing women from the north eastern state of Assam and especially from the economically backward areas of the state in recent years deserve close attention from both researchers' points of view as well as policy-level intervention of the larger community along with the government. This study makes an attempt to operate upon the menace area through the scalpel of game theory under the light of both primary and secondary data collected from the study area. It is an attempt to outline conscious human behaviour that leads to crimes such as women trafficking and identify the parameters controlling or affecting which types of crimes can be controlled. In order to do so, different distinct entities associated with the problem have been considered as different players leading to the concluding indication of prevailing flaws in the legal system of the country along with lack of employment opportunities and mass ignorance about the problem in hand among common people as the major reasons.
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Statistical Background Of The Problem

‘2016 Trafficking in Persons Report’ prepared by US Department of State Diplomacy in Action (2016) has placed India on the Tier-2 Watch List for human trafficking. According to this report, India is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women and children trafficked. Human trafficking earns profits of roughly $150 billion a year for traffickers, according to the International Labour Organization (Human Rights First, 2017). In 2015, a total of 6877 cases of human trafficking cases were registered in India. Out of these, 21.7% cases were reported from Assam, the absolute number being 1494 cases (NCRB, 2016). It was 267% increase than the previous year in the state.

The purposes of human trafficking in India are unique. The purposes include not only forced prostitution but also force marriage, domestic labour, bonded labour, agriculture labour, industrial labour, entertainment, begging, adoption, drug smuggling, drug peddling and organ transplants. In recent reports by newspapers (Basu, 2017) the fair skinned Nepali origin women are also operated upon to extract part of their body skin in order to use it in cosmetic surgery of rich clients. For the girls from North-eastern India origin, it is a new concern as the Mongoloid origin girls from this region are similar to the Nepalese in terms of skin colour.

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) in India started to collect data on human trafficking under section 370 and 370A of Indian Penal Code (IPC), which deals exclusively with human trafficking cases for the first time in 2014. Prior to this, trafficking was perceived to be a gender biased crime in the sense of victim concerned and so the data was incorporated under the broad head of crimes against women (Table 1).

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