Using Computer Cognitive Atlas to Improve Students' Divergent Thinking Ability

Using Computer Cognitive Atlas to Improve Students' Divergent Thinking Ability

Na Man, Kechao Wang, Lin Liu
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.20211101.oa25
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Human society has entered the era of intelligence. Social development in the era of intelligence has spawned a large number of intelligent applications. Intelligent applications have put forward unprecedented requirements on the level of cognitive intelligence of machines, and the realization of machine cognitive intelligence depends on knowledge map technology. Divergent thinking is an important part of thinking and an important indicator for measuring innovative thinking. The research in this article found that after the experiment, the associated probabilities of the F values of fluency, flexibility, uniqueness, semantic divergence, graphical divergence, and problem divergence were 0.389, 0.442, 0.594, 0.267, 0.319, and 0.478, which were all greater than the significance level of 0.05, That is, the divergent thinking ability of the experimental group has been significantly improved. The results of this study show that the use of computer cognitive maps can improve students' divergent thinking ability.
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The development of artificial intelligence began in the late 1990s, and mainly focused on mining statistical models in statistics, which has also achieved today's machine learning. However, statistical learning alone is not enough to support intelligent implementation. Symbol knowledge is indispensable for intelligent implementation, because symbol knowledge enables the machine to have interpretability and also enables the machine to have the language “understanding” ability. Therefore, machines must learn to use symbol knowledge to solve problems and realize cognitive intelligence. Cognitive Atlas was born in this context. Cognitive Atlas is a research branch of computer science (Zhang, 2020; Di, 2016; Ma, 2018; Pardeller, 2017; Khatwani, 2018). It attempts to understand the essence of intelligence and realize a major technological breakthrough from cognitive intelligence system to cognitive intelligence system. At present, the application of cognitive maps is used in various aspects of life, bringing many conveniences to people. Creative thinking is a kind of creative thinking activity, that is, the thinking activity that opens new areas of human understanding and creates new achievements in human understanding. Creative thinking is based on the abilities of perception, memory, thinking, association, and understanding, and is a high-level mental activity characterized by comprehensiveness, exploratory and novelty, which requires people to put in hard mental work (Fan, 2019; Ludolph, 2016; Zhang, 2017; Buckley, 2019; Mo, 2020). An achievement of creative thinking can only be obtained after long-term exploration, hard research, and even multiple setbacks. The ability of creative thinking can only be achieved after long-term accumulation of knowledge and quality. As for the process of creative thinking, it is not possible. Do not engage in a variety of thinking activities such as reasoning, imagination, association, and intuition (Qi, 2018).

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