User Opinion and Differentiated Attribute based Ranking in Federated Cloud

User Opinion and Differentiated Attribute based Ranking in Federated Cloud

C. S. Rajarajeswari, M. Aramudhan
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2016040104
(Individual Articles)
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Cloud computing is an innovative technology which provides services to users on-demand and pay per use. Since there are many providers in cloud, users get confused in selecting the optimal service provider for their tasks. To overcome this limitation, federated cloud management architecture was proposed. The proposed work provides a new federated cloud mechanism, in which Broker Manager takes the responsibility of providing optimal and ranked service provider for user requirements. To rank the service providers in the federated cloud, Differentiated Priority based Ranking algorithm is implemented at the level of BM. Attributes are differentiated based on their weights assigned by a user. Service providers are discovered and ranked based on the differentiated attributes. The proposed algorithm chooses the cloud service provider for execution, not only based on the rank list generated by the BM; but also based on the suggestion given by the user. The experimental result shows that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of resource provisioning than the existing model by 13%.
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With the increasing popularity of cloud computing, many researchers studied the performance of clouds for different types of applications.

Federated cloud concepts addressed in (Buyya, Garg & Calheiros, 2011) does not include customer-driven service management, computational risk management and autonomic management of Clouds which improve the system efficiency, minimization of SLA violation and the profitability of service providers.

The proposed models and techniques in (Buyya, Ranjan & Calheiros, 2010), are critical for the design of stochastic provisioning algorithms across large federated cloud systems where resource availability is uncertain. The mapping function (Wu & Buyya, 2010), is implemented by continuous double action, sensor unit was used to predict the geographic distribution of users. Federated cloud mechanism described in (Marosi, Kecskemeti, Kertesz & Kacsuk, 2011) does not deal the plan to investigate various scenarios that arise during handling federated cloud infrastructure using the FCM architecture.

SLA based Inter cloud operations in (Jrad, Tao & Streit, 2012) does not use simulation to investigate and evaluate the performance and efficiency of different SLA-aware match making algorithms by supporting multiple SLA parameters.

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