User Experience of an Institutional Repository in a Private University in Mexico: A Fundamental Component in the Framework of Open Science

User Experience of an Institutional Repository in a Private University in Mexico: A Fundamental Component in the Framework of Open Science

Laura Icela González-Pérez, María Soledad Ramírez
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2019100104
(Individual Articles)
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Technology platforms, as viewed from the perspective of their users, provide new perspectives to discover aspects to enhance its use. The objective of this study is to provide the instruments and indicators that allow us to obtain empirical evidence of the experience of users of an institutional repository through the user-centered design methodology. The guiding question of the study was: How can society measure the experience of users who use an institutional repository? The authors employed a sequential mixed explanatory methodology and user-centered design, with the use of focus groups and surveys, applied to a sample of students and professors. The findings suggest that three key aspects could be considered to promote satisfactory experiences of users in relation to the open educational movement: a) innovation in communication strategies to increase knowledge transfer in an open format, b) the versatility of the technologies and c) establish the normativity and regulation of their use of institutional repositories.
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One of the challenges for universities is to create management and communication strategies that allow them to develop the capacity to generate scientific research from the “science-technology-innovation”. Arechavala-Vargas and Sánchez-Cervantes (2017) point out that European universities are more aware of their economic responsibility to the region that supports them and in the United States, universities are perceived as a fertile field of opportunity for entrepreneurs. It can be said that the purpose of the link between universities, companies, government and society is to increase innovation in the environment through the use of technology in order to find solutions to emerging problems through innovation.

In order for universities to meet the challenge, they need to create management and communication strategies that allow them to develop the capacity to generate scientific research from the “science-technology-innovation” knowledge chain (PECiTI, 2014). In Mexico there is a great opportunity to create and promote models and strategies that promote the training of researchers in public and private universities with the aim of creating a culture of open innovation and open research and thus increase the social impact.

Smart search engines, such as Google, and the massive exchange of information through social networks encourage the increase of sources for finding information. Universities’ services need to integrate technological innovations with the services offered. Not only is technology innovation vital to teaching-learning processes; it is also necessary to identify interactions that increase the users’ favorable experience of it. The Institutional Repositories are supported by open technologies that have been designed to manage scientific information and give visibility on the Internet to scientific knowledge in a safe way which is why it is necessary to promote its evolution in educational contexts.

The Tecnologico de Monterrey is a private non-profit Mexican Institution of Higher Education, founded in 1943 by Mr. Eugenio Garza Sada (Tecnologico de Monterrey, 2018a) and its main strengths are research and scientific developments that contribute to the economic development of Mexico and the World. In January 2018, the Tecnologico de Monterrey (Tecnologico de Monterrey, 2018b) published its open access policy to guide and define the open practices that its academic community would use to make the educational and scientific contents produced by them freely accessible through its institutional repository (RITEC). In accordance with the mandate of the Science and Technology Law in Mexico (CONACYT, 2017), which needs to be taken care of by Universities to ensure that scientific products emanate from research financed with public funds are held in open access format in institutional repositories. In accordance with Moreno (2017) defines the social appropriation of knowledge as an act that allows any citizen to access, read, copy, use, modify, reuse and share the content of scientific publications without any legal, economic or technological barrier, recognizing the attribution of authorship. That's why, the Tecnologico de Monterrey seeks to provide open access to scientific products generated with public funds through the RITEC and to develop a set of indicators that collect information from users who use it (researchers, teachers and students), to add improvements in the search processes and deposit of resources within the Repositories focused in the user experience, the results facilitate considerable improvements in the processes of searching and self-archiving resources in RITEC.

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