Use of Portable Devices to Teach English Language

Use of Portable Devices to Teach English Language

Khalid Thabit, Fouad Dehlawi
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 5
DOI: 10.4018/jksr.2013040105
(Individual Articles)
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Portable MP3/MP4 players, e.g. iPod, are mostly used for entertainment purposes and very popular among the youth. The authors explore the possibility of using such devices as an aiding tool in the educational environment, and hypothesis that these devices would help improve learning, e.g. fluency in English. The authors report on a number of preliminary studies which suggest that the use of such devices helped students in English learning.
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3. Our Approach

We use MP4 players as an aiding tool help entry-level students improve their English language skills, particularly fluency in English. We adapt the study support video material from Cambridge University Training Center, adding subtitles in Arabic and making some minor edits. The editing is made to meet the objectives of the course [Course Name Suppressed] at [University Name Suppressed]. The study materials are then loaded on MP4 players and a sample of fifteen (15) students are provided with these devices. The students were advised to watch and listen to such materials at their free times for a period of one month. The abilities of these students are then compared with a control group – details follow – to see if the use of MP4 players achieved the expected goals.

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