Urban Shrinkage and Depopulation Dynamics for Sustainable Urban Governance: The Case of Guadalajara

Urban Shrinkage and Depopulation Dynamics for Sustainable Urban Governance: The Case of Guadalajara

José G. Vargas-Hernández
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJUPSC.302130
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This analysis has the objective of addressing the shrinkage of the Municipality of Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco, México treated here as the counterpart of suburban expansion, which has been caused mainly by the depopulation the city and determines a tendency that defines the dynamics of the great contemporary metropolis in terms of urban sustainable governance. The methodology used consisted of tours to neighborhoods and communities, the observation of structure and the opinion of qualified informants, in addition to the review of documents of municipal government institutions and publications in the local press. The analysis concludes that the great challenges of the policy based on sustainable urban governance of territorial distribution of the population to reverse the depopulation and shrinkage of the municipality of Guadalajara are to achieve a balance of the same within the territory in accordance with a sustainable territorial order, and take advantage of the competitive advantages that the city offers, framed so much in the local economy as a state.
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The Population Dynamics In The Metropolitan Area Of Guadalajara (Zmg)

The municipality of Guadalajara is located in the region 12 Center of the state of Jalisco. This region is made up of six municipalities: Acatlán de Juárez, Cuquío, Guadalajara, Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos, Ixtlahuacán del Río, Juanacatlán, El Salto, San Cristóbal de la Barranca, Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Tlaquepaque, Tonalá, Villa Corona, Zapopan and Zapotlanejo. It is important to note that eight of these fourteen municipalities make up the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, this region is and has been the most important in terms of population of the state.

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