Towards an Index of Fear: The Role of Capital in Risk´s Construction

Towards an Index of Fear: The Role of Capital in Risk´s Construction

Maximiliano E. Korstanje
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/ijcwt.2014010103
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The present essay review propones a new model to understand the nature of risk. The authors hereby argue that risks help the society to function. Not only the sum-zero risk society is impossible, but also would affect seriously the economy of capitalist society. Therefore, insurances and risk are inexorably intertwined. The authors have explored three valid indicators toward the construction of a general-index of risk, which not only can be homologable to other nations, but also comparable among cultures. Communities may be studied by their way of perceiving risks. Beyond the debate on if terrorism is or not a risk, the goals of this review is twofold. Firstly, it is important to explore the economic nature of terrorism to discern their causes. Secondly, it is necessary to build a valid index that reflects how a society feels.
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Why the whole people fright to the condemnation of soul in Middle East, death wakes up panic in West?, Western Scientifics, concerned by the vulnerability of aborigines in some lands near to volcanoes, introduce their technology to protect future victims. Technology does not allay these concerns in the aborigine’s view. Because the introduction of western instrumentality get upset Gods, aborigines not only do not appreciate the paternalism of West but also blame to technology of their natural disasters. An example among many other else led Mary Douglas, a couple of decades back, to develop a conceptual framework to confirm is risk is socially negotiated; in other terms, a social construe which not only bespeaks of the economy and politics of a society but also gives sense to the world (Douglas, 1992; Douglas, 2007; Douglas & Wildavsky, 1983). On this paper, we explore a new methodology to understand and measure risk according to specific indicators such as total prime of insurances, or the coverage a population demands, even if we compare these information against the active labor workforce, we will find interesting results. The outcomes of this formula infer for a total rate of fear, which represents the view of society and may be compared crossing nations and cultures. Our original belief is that concentration of wealth is direct proportional to rate of fear.

Risk-related studies focused strictly on the arithmetic and statistic questions creating big problems at time of discerning the reasons for their findings. Although samples are selected according to larger groups, the fact is that risk-led studies confuse explanations of first and second order. Risk perception theory has been widely developed over years. One of the most representative theses is that women perceive more risk than men. No need to say this exhibits an oversimplification of the situation, a clear explanation of second order. If women perceive more risk than men, this explains by the socialization of role women are educated for. Instead of men, women are educated to care for others and expressing their emotions. Men, rather, prefer to discourage the expression of their feeling. Quantitative studies ignore this exacerbating the size of sample and the complexity to interpret the result (Graham y Clemente, 1996; Zinn, 2010). In fact, men repress feelings as fear into other sublimated forms as rage or violence. Therefore, it is necessary the creation of a new method to measure the risk from an all encompassing way.

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