The New Economic Environment to Manage Resources in Cloud Computing

The New Economic Environment to Manage Resources in Cloud Computing

Samah Bouamama, Ghalem Belalem
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/jitr.2015040103
(Individual Articles)
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The Clouds have changed the way services are delivered to companies. The attractiveness of the Clouds comes from the (efficacy) effective gains (cost, performance, availability, fault tolerance...) and agility of enterprise applications and services. The computer infrastructure is becoming a supply chain services. Existing systems of Clouds do not support advanced mechanisms for the optimal trade applications across different Clouds. In this study, the authors proposed an environment consisting of a set of customers with a budget and a number of Cloudlet to process. Before starting the auction procedure, they fit in their separate group, previously formed according to a certain criteria, by paying a registration fee that will be cashed at a local bank in each Club. If a customer does not have enough budget (client in crisis) to satisfy their needs, they can make a bank loan. In this work, the authors propose the way to satisfy Clubs in terms of quality of processing cloudlets (Tasks) for each member of a Club, while minimizing their cost and their time of processing, and the way to integrate the principle of Auction Clubs in CloudSim simulator.
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1. Introduction

The year 2008 witnessed the emergence of the term Cloud Computing in the specialized newspapers, and it added the new solutions in all the large actors of data processing: Microsoft, Google, Amazon, IBM, and Oracle…(Buyya et al. 2008a).

In the effervescence, which accompanies all great innovation in the world by the data processing, Cloud Computing appeared for certain like a revolution and for others like a simple term of marketing, which does nothing but gather services and existing technologies.

The maturity of certain applications, the arrival of new technological solutions such as those used for Web-based 2.0 or for virtualization, and the generalization of the access high-flow to the Internet cause to multiply the service offerings available bound for the data-processing managements, and oblige the services company in Computer engineering to reconsider their trade, in particular for those given the responsibility today to manage the infrastructures.

In order to evaluate the various approaches suggested for the platform of Cloud Computing, the CloudSim simulator was proposed for the purpose of modeling and trying the environment of Cloud (Buyya et al. 2009).

In this paper, we introduced a class of mechanisms, called Auction Clubs, which allow clients to collaborate together in term of budget, to buy efficient resources (Processing elements) from the Cloud Computing using auctions model (Belalem et al. 2008).

This mechanism invites a set of clients to join Clubs initially created, with one of various methods that we will describe later for creating these clubs, like homogenous, heterogeneous and random. These Clubs allow clients to increase the number of processed Cloudlets in Cloud Computing and also to reduce the cost and time to realize this service better than if each client will individually negotiate the resources of processing with the provider which is the Cloud (Belalem et al. 2011).

To prove the effectiveness of this approach, we incorporated it in the simulator of the cloud's infrastructure (CloudSim). The rest of the page is structured as follows:

  • 1.

    In the 2nd section, we presented some related works;

  • 2.

    In the 3rd and 4th sections, we defined the environments of Cloud Computing and their simulator respectively;

  • 3.

    In the 5th section, we described the detail of the approach suggested, which is based on the notion of Auction Clubs;

  • 4.

    In the 6th section, we described the three manners to assign customers to the Auction Clubs;

  • 5.

    In the 7th section, we presented various experiments;

  • 6.

    Finally, we concluded our work by some work of extension which we will consider in the future.

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