The Influence of the Personal Learning Environment Concept in the Educational Research Field: A 2010-2020 Systematized Review

The Influence of the Personal Learning Environment Concept in the Educational Research Field: A 2010-2020 Systematized Review

Linda Castañeda, Gemma Tur, Ricardo Torres-Kompen, Graham Attwell
DOI: 10.4018/IJVPLE.2022010102
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Almost 15 years after the start of the debate over Personal Learning Environments (PLE), the concept would still appear to be influential and even intrinsic to discussion over the future of educational technology and education in general. This paper aims to establish a clear thematic link between the concept of PLEs and educational academic literature over the last decade, exploring the influence of the PLE concept in the education research papers. To do this, it uses a systematized review of academic literature that relates the PLE concept to three themes identified as most relevant in that field during the last decade: emerging pedagogical practices, professional teacher development, and self-regulated learning. The analysis is focused on whether (and how) the PLE concept has intersected each of the themes, the level of importance of that intersection in each one of them and the way in which the concept is ‘materialized’. The purpose is to understand how (and if) a concept that has its origin in Educational Technology has been adapted to other areas of educational research.
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The term “Personal Learning Environment” appears to have emerged at the annual JISC-CETIS (Joint Information Systems Committee Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards) conference in 2004 (Martindale & Dowdy, 2010) and attracted more prominence from Scott Wilson’s (2005) presentation of “VLE of the future” at the following year’s conference where PLEs emerged as a major theme. PLEs were the focus of the series of PLE conferences held between 2010 and 2014. PLEs also became a subject for academic research including the publication of a number of Special Editions of journals focused on the topic (e.g., eLearning Papers 2007, 2013, Digital Education Review 2010, 2011 and 2015, International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments 2011 and 2013, Journal of Literacy and Technology 2014, Cultura y Educación 2014, Edutec-e 2016, Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research 2017) as well as individual papers, conference presentations, literature reviews and meta-analyses.

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