The Impact of Prices on the Demand for E-Payment Services: A Comparison of Iran and Norway

The Impact of Prices on the Demand for E-Payment Services: A Comparison of Iran and Norway

Tayebeh Farahani, Amir Abedini Koshksaray
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/ijide.2014070106
(Individual Articles)
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In this study, the effect of pricing various payment transactions on the degree of their adoption has been studied by comparing payments in Norway (a country with transaction pricing) and Iran (a country without transaction pricing) through simultaneous equations. The results of estimating equation of payment services demands refer to the negative of price and positive effect of POS, ATMs, and income on the level of using such services. In addition, results indicate replacement of ATM and POS services. According to the findings, for decreasing liquidity in the society, the Central Bank can play a significant part by offering public training and necessary cultural and social ground among different social groups for using credit cards, and easy and secure access of POSs to the central SHETAB system.
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E-banking is one of the manifestations of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution in economic arena. It has made a revolution in commercial methods and approaches increasing the speed and economy. E-payment has many levels according to which specific definition can be proposed. What can be observed at all levels is the use of computer software systems and digitally processable banking information fed to computer. The more we move toward higher levels, i.e. e-banking, the less there are manual operations, the more concentrated computer systems, the more extensive the available network, the less time and place limitation, and the more secure banking information.

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