The Impact of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) on Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of the Textile Industry in Thailand

The Impact of Human Resource Information System (HRIS) on Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of the Textile Industry in Thailand

Sununta Siengthai, Aroonlod Udomphol
DOI: 10.4018/IJABIM.2016070103
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Human resource information system (HRIS) has potential benefits to improve organizational performance. The purpose of this exploratory study is thus to investigate the impact of HRIS on organizational effectiveness. The textile industry in Thailand is taken as a context of the study as it faces many challenges in this globalization era. One of the industry's dilemmas is about worker conditions and the scarcity of workforce. A questionnaire survey was conducted during December 2012-March 2013. About 354 questionnaires were mailed to the random sample drawn from the Textile Directory (2006). A total of 63 usable returned questionnaires were obtained. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the obtained data. The findings reveal that the sample respondents perceived that HRIS has a positive impact on organizational effectiveness with respect to human resource processes, time savings, cost savings, information effects, decision making and strategic impact of HR role.
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2. Hris And Organizational Effectiveness

Various authors including management researchers, economists, consultants, professional managers, entrepreneurs, business professionals and researchers, politicians and constituencies are concerned about organizational effectiveness issue (Thibodeaux, 1996). They have defined the meaning of organizational effectiveness in different ways. According to Lee and Choi (2003), organizational effectiveness is one of the approaches to appraise organizational performance. Cummings and Worley (2009) defined organizational effectiveness as an indicator to measure organizational development which is a process in behavioral knowledge and practices that assist organizations to reach the superior performance. In sum, organizational effectiveness is considered a measurement of the desirable organizational performance. Batra (2006) measures impact of IT on organizational effectiveness with organizational flexibility, process, structural and performance variables. In the study, organizational effectiveness is measured by employee satisfaction, customer orientation, and financial and growth performance.

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