The Immense Potential of M-Care in India: Catering Better to Patients Needs in the Context of a Fragmented Healthcare System

The Immense Potential of M-Care in India: Catering Better to Patients Needs in the Context of a Fragmented Healthcare System

Ajay Rana
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 3
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2017100101
(Individual Articles)
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A significant fact must be underlined to understand the potential of M-health in India: the poorest sections of the populations have mobile phones, but not always access to clean water. While this may seem unfortunate, this reflects the immense potential and readiness of the population for newer approaches and modes of access to healthcare. In fact, digital healthcare platforms have sprouted in the last couple of years, seeking to supply sophisticated services to a broad number of citizens. While the advances in M-health care in India are relatively new, the future is extremely promising and services are growing in this direction. With a population of over one billion and three hundred, opportunities for new ideas and new systems to benefit a multitude of patients are manifold.
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