The Effect Degree Analysis of Human Activities on Regional Groundwater Level Based on Variable Fuzzy Optimization Model

The Effect Degree Analysis of Human Activities on Regional Groundwater Level Based on Variable Fuzzy Optimization Model

Dong Liu, Wenting Liu, Tianqi Luo
DOI: 10.4018/IJAEIS.2015070105
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Along with the population increasing and social economic developing rapidly, the groundwater resource is affected by human activities seriously. In order to achieve optimal local allocation of water resources and promotion of local economic development, a suitable method for measuring the effect degree of human activities on groundwater resource system is very important. In this paper, regarding Hongxinglong Administration of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation in China as the study area, the comprehensive assessment system to analysis the influence of human activities on groundwater level change with eight evaluated indicators closely related to the amount of groundwater exploitation is established by applying variable fuzzy optimization model. According to relative superiority, the function of effect degree index to evaluate the impact situation is constructed. The results in 2012 show that the human activities on Farm Youyi have the strongest impact on groundwater level variation, while Farm Beixing weakest. Comparing the results from 2003 to 2012, the trend of most effect degree indices reveals decrease by some effective measures. However, there are four farms whose human activities have a stronger influence on groundwater table.
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2. Materials And Methods

The concept of fuzzy set was put forward by Professor Zadeh in 1965, and thus it developed into a fuzzy set theory (Zadeh 1965). Like other subjects, the appearance of fuzzy set theory was also due to the need of practice. In daily life, fuzzy concept or phenomenon exists everywhere, such as thick, thin, fast, slow, big, small, long, short, light, heavy, high, low, thick, expensive, cheap, strong, weak, soft, hard and so on.

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