The E-Commerce Investment and Enterprise Performance Based on Customer Relationship Management

The E-Commerce Investment and Enterprise Performance Based on Customer Relationship Management

Yili Sun, Ping Wang
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.20220701.oa9
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In the current dynamic and complex competitive environment, the implementation of enterprise e-commerce plays an important role in the development of external business process activities. Through the Internet, information sharing and business process collaboration between enterprises and customers can be realized. This kind of e-service activity based on e-commerce process is particularly important for customers. However, many business managers have some doubts about the implementation of customer service-oriented online business activities, because customer service-oriented online business activities need a lot of IT investment, and the performance of this e-business activities is not easy to measure.
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1. Introduction

The differentiation and stratification of consumers and the diversification of the demand for products and services, more and more enterprises begin to carry out customer-oriented e-commerce activities, the business model of marketization gradually changes to the business model of customization (Alinejad et al., 2015; Navimipour & Soltani, 2016; Shami et al., 2015). And the organizational structure also changes from the traditional single and independent organizational structure to the current dominant network organizational structure transformation (Jason, 2015; Wang et al., 2015; Xun, 2015). At present, enterprises cannot rely on their own capabilities to adapt to the changing business environment (Cokins, 2017; Kizu et al., 2017). They need to rely on the joint strength with partners or customers to integrate the stakeholders involved in business processes, such as customers, suppliers, distributors and retailers, into a close value chain or reintegrate complementary resources and allocate them in the supply chain of enterprises. Now online business process cooperation, so as to strive for more cross time and space capabilities and competitive advantages (Lin, 2017; Mamun & Nasir, 2017; Sun & Yano, 2015).

The interactivity and openness of Internet-based e-commerce technology in inter organization data transmission make them have a very important impact on enterprise management practice. In fact, the Internet has surpassed the application of information technology such as cross organization information system (IOS) and data exchange system (EDI) in information sharing ability and cost reduction (Bogicevic et al., 2016; Christiam & Garcia, 2018; Soltanizadeh et al., 2016). For example, the application of enterprise online after-sales system, it can make enterprises solve problems for customers in time through the network. The automation of after-sales service can reduce the cost of enterprises and improve the efficiency of enterprises (Kyung et al., 2016; Octavia et al., 2017; Rahim et al., 2017). In the early days, online communication based on Web replaced the communication mode of fax and letter. The application of virtual community and community forum can provide help for enterprises to mine potential customers and study customer needs. In the e-commerce environment, the core of organization resources are not limited within the enterprise (Al-Qeed et al., 2017; Edgeman, 2015; Hsin et al., 2016). They have been extended to the outside of the organization and embedded in the activities and processes outside the organization (Alamsyah & Indraswari, 2017; Bhat & Darzi, 2016; Orenga-Roglá & Chalmeta, 2016). E-commerce application based on Web makes business process transition from inside to outside (Prisha et al., 2017). In fact, the cross application of business processes among enterprises is very common in supply chain (Hua, 2016). The production of enterprise IT value is not independent, and the individuals involved in business activities are interrelated. The current situation and existing problems reflect the dynamic process and behavior law of customer service-oriented online business activities, and eliminate the concern of enterprise managers for implementation (Iqbal, 2015). Customer service oriented online business activities provide effective e-commerce implementation strategies for enterprise managers, which has important practical management significance.

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