The Construction of an English Network Course Based on the Theory of Hybrid Real-Time Synchronization Algorithm

The Construction of an English Network Course Based on the Theory of Hybrid Real-Time Synchronization Algorithm

Mingqing Wang, Kui Xie
DOI: 10.4018/IJWLTT.351645
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At present, the construction of online courses is an important content in the process of educational informatization. At present, there are two problems in the construction of online courses: from the teaching point of view, the design of teaching activities and teaching processes in online courses is not enough, and the teaching effect is not good. Technically, the development of most courses is basically one-off and cannot be updated quickly. Due to the small scale, limited access and strong pertinence of SPOC, it has obvious advantages to implement the online and offline mixed teaching mode of college English based on SPOC in college English teaching. This paper mainly studies the research and analysis of English online courses based on the hybrid real-time synchronization algorithm. This paper combines OFDM synchronization algorithm with SPOC hybrid algorithm teaching to analyze and study it. According to the research, the influence of English online teaching course is very great, and the effect is more obvious than that of traditional teaching.
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With the development of online education, many colleges and universities have done a lot of research and practice on the construction of online courses and established multi-disciplinary online courses, thus enriching the teaching methods, perfecting self-study courses, and playing a positive role in personnel training. However, due to some objective problems, such as inadequate knowledge, low quality of course construction, and low utilization rates, the development of online courses has been affected to some extent. The online course is a new multimedia teaching resource (Ke, 2022); it is the sum of the teaching content and activities of a course delivered by a computer network in pursuit of certain teaching objectives and teaching strategies.

In recent years, real-time multimedia communication via network packets has developed rapidly, and multipoint communication products have emerged. The typical example is a video conference system, in which multi-point voice interaction is the most frequent. In order to simulate a real meeting place and enhance the sense of reality and comfort of the meeting, a system should enable all participants in the meeting to hear the voices of multiple speakers simultaneously. This requires a system to mix and process the voices from multiple users. In addition to audio capabilities, video conference systems often include high-quality video feeds, screen-sharing options, and sometimes even virtual backgrounds that help replicate a professional setting. These features collectively contribute to creating an immersive experience where participants can see each other’s facial expressions, body language, and reactions in real time, which is crucial for effective communication and maintaining engagement.

With the rapid development of computer network technology and the deepening of modern education technology, online education has gradually become the development trend of teaching reform. It has shown its unique superiority in education. The online course is one of the most important elements of online education. The quality and level of online course construction will directly affect many important aspects of distance education, such as teaching ideas, teaching methods, teaching means, and teaching models. The construction of online courses is an important part of educational informatization. Recently published research on the construction of online courses abounds. However, when people discuss and communicate, they have different understandings of online courses, and some even oppose and contradict each other. They often mix online courses with concepts such as online teaching platforms, courseware, and learning resources and often replace each other.

It is necessary to study the theory of online education and understand its practice. Blended teaching combines the advantages of online teaching with traditional teaching. The organic combination of online and offline teaching forms can guide learners to carry out in-depth learning effectively. Therefore, this course adopts a mixed teaching method to compensate for a lack of class hours. As a product of the information age, online education is essential in supplementing traditional education. It is necessary to establish a unified evaluation standard for online courses. However, as a new phenomenon, the online course has been mixed with good and bad because there is no unified evaluation index system. If a unified evaluation index system of online courses can be established, then this situation can be effectively changed to a certain extent, the effective use of educational resources can be promoted, and the waste of educational resources can be reduced.

With the development of science and technology, educational technology has gone through several symbolic transformation stages. When radio and television technology became popular, people were impressed by authentic sound and image transmission, and the research of educational theory focused on mass teaching and radio and television schools appeared. With the popularization of personal computers, the speed beyond imagination, programming, and automation of computers made educators open their minds to program teaching, and various computer-aided instruction (CAI) software emerged as the times required—the focus of educational research shifted to individual teaching. Blended teaching originated in the 1990s. Compared with traditional teaching, online and offline mixed teaching has unique advantages, which can greatly reduce the burden of classroom teaching and effectively strengthen the interaction between teachers and students (Bartlett et al., 2012).

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