The Clinical Informatization in Portugal: An Approach to the National Health Service Certification

The Clinical Informatization in Portugal: An Approach to the National Health Service Certification

Soraia Pereira, Lara Silva, José Machado, Alexandra Cabral
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2020040103
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In the context of the Technological Revolution, people are forced to change their way of being in order to survive in an increasingly competitive and efficient society. The healthcare sector is no exception. The clinical informatization brought a lot of changes in procedures and ways to act and manage in order to follow the advent of the Information Age. However, this clinical informatization should be evaluated and measured in order to report the actual stage of dematerialization and identify possible improvements. The maturity models, such as the EMRAM model, are good candidates to reach these goals. On behalf of the Health Ministry, the Portuguese Shared Services of the Ministry of Health wanted to implement the model in the National Health Service to certify, at a clinical level, the institutions, and, at the same time, contribute with a new methodology to ensure the certification of administrative services of health institutions.
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Digital Transformation

The application of information systems in healthcare leads to clinical informatization. To better understand the concept of clinical digital transformation, it is necessary to go to the bottom of this issue, the process of informatization. This concept is rooted in the society since the '60s when the first definition of the term emerged. In the late '60s, in Japan, it was named johoka, and intended to cover the phenomenon of social change in which a nation tries to advance in order to achieve an information society character (Rogers, 2000).

Since then, many definitions for this term arose. Although, the digital transformation is the process in which the implementation of information and communication technologies lead to many transformations, minimizing the cultural and economic barriers, shaping the cultural and civic discourse and, above all, leading to socio-economic development. This growth happened simultaneously with the transformation of society into an increasingly more information society (Rogers, 2000; Jandt, 2004). In 1994, Georgette Wang defined this process as “a process of change that features (a) the use of information and IT [Information Technologies] to such an extent that they become the dominant forces in commanding economic, political, social and cultural development and (b) unprecedented increase in speed, quantity and popularity of information production and distribution”(Jandt, 2004; Wang, 1994).

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