Text Mining-Based Study on Consumer Satisfaction in the Mobile Phone Market

Text Mining-Based Study on Consumer Satisfaction in the Mobile Phone Market

Qun Zhou, Meihua Chen, Junying Chen, Keren Chen, Sang-Bing Tsai
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.344835
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In the current context of rapid technological advancement, smartphones have become an indispensable part of people's daily lives. This has led to an increasing focus on the satisfaction of consumers with smartphone products, as understanding consumer emotions and satisfaction has become a key factor for manufacturers and retailers to enhance the quality of products and services. This study delves into the satisfaction of consumers with smartphones in the market through an in-depth application of text mining techniques, leveraging advanced technologies such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling. Our research methodology encompasses the process of collecting and preprocessing a substantial volume of consumer reviews from online shopping platforms. Subsequently, we apply Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modeling and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) for sentiment analysis.
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With changes in people's lifestyles and the widespread use of the internet, online shopping has become increasingly accepted and ingrained in daily routines (Lissitsa and Kol, 2016). The scale of users engaging in online shopping has gradually expanded. It is evident that as relevant technologies and supporting services mature and improve, the scale of e-commerce has grown significantly. As the popularity of online shopping continues to rise, the volume of product reviews also experiences continuous growth. For consumers, referencing these reviews can assist them in making informed decisions (Khan et al., 2023b). Browsing through these reviews allows users to gain a more comprehensive understanding of products and even learn about real user experiences in advance. This, in turn, enables more effective decision-making, leading to the purchase of ideal products. For businesses, analyzing these reviews and associated data provides a deeper insight into user needs and the expected user experience (Lewis, 1983; Grönroos, 1982). This understanding helps businesses better grasp their product positioning and areas for improvement, allowing for targeted product enhancements and ensuring the success of their products. However, automating the process of crawling consumer reviews and presenting consumer focal points in a meaningful way remains a significant challenge (Zhou et al., 2007).

Text mining is a branch of data mining, a concept formally introduced by Feldman in 1995 (Feldman and Hirsh, 1996). It leverages computer technology to extract implicit and high-value information from semi-structured or unstructured text that is of interest to users (Hotho et al., 2005). By extracting structured information from text and conducting research, text mining achieves highly automated analysis of textual data, making it applicable in various scenarios (Zhao and Chen, 2022). Hei-Chia Wang et al. constructed an integrated summarization system based on text mining algorithms (Wang et al., 2020; Khan et al., 2022). Lei C et al. utilized stacked variational autoencoder technology to extract features from system text, proposing an effective SVAE text feature extraction model (Che et al., 2020). Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro et al. presented a new text mining approach from the consumer's perspective, using aggregated dictionaries based on consumer brand authenticity and brand involvement, offering new insights for brand development (Rosado-Pinto et al., 2020). These methods reflect the development of text mining technology, which is highly significant for machine learning of text semantics. However, these methods have not been further connected with consumer sentiment analysis.

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