Study on Green Construction Evaluation of Highway in Seasonal Frozen Zone

Study on Green Construction Evaluation of Highway in Seasonal Frozen Zone

Zhenwu Shi, Zhaolin Li, Xianyu Tan, Shuxin Hua
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/JITR.2021070105
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In recent years, research on highway development in the seasonal frozen region has been progressing. However, research on the evaluation system of green construction for the roads in the seasonal frozen region is still under exploration. China's seasonal frozen region accounts for more than half of its land area, and many roads traverse through it. Given the mutual relationship between highway construction and environmental impacts, it is necessary to set up an evaluation system of green construction for the roads in the seasonally frozen region to avoid more energy waste and environmental damages caused by highway construction. The authors used a hierarchical clustering method to determine the index weight, used SPSS to do clustering analysis, established a gray clustering model, and determined the evaluation rating of green construction for the roads according to the principle of maximum membership level. Hereby, this paper evaluated the highway construction from Yichun to Wudalianchi, and the result is "gold level." The result shows that hierarchical cluster analysis combines the index weight and expert weight, which can avoid shortcomings of subjective weight. Therefore, reasonable and scientific weight was obtained. Gray clustering model is suitable for the grade evaluation of green construction for seasonal frozen region's roads. It makes the development of the construction for the green road in the seasonal frozen region more accurate and to gain more practical significance.
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1. Introduction

The area of China's seasonal frozen region covers 5,137,000 square kilometers (Xiao, 2014), accounting for 53.5% of China's land area (Chen et al., 2011; Xu et al., 2010). The seasonally frozen region refers to the region where it's surface layer freezes in winter and melts in summer (Li, 2006). Seasonal frozen soil refers to the soil which freezes for more than a month but less than a year (Zhang , 2012). By the end of 2015, the mileage of China's expressways had reached 457.73 million kilometers. The construction of the green road in the seasonal frozen region is different from that in the non-seasonal frozen region. In the seasonally frozen region, not only road construction leads to ecological environment deterioration, but also the environment condition leads to the damages of the road. In 2008, a survey of road conditions in Harbin showed that the area of road frost boiling was about 126,900 m3 (Wu et al., 2015). And in 2012, the survey showed that there were more than 500 roads (sections) with problems like frost heaving and frost boiling, and the number of road problems was over 3,800. Freezing injury may cause road safety, economic and environmental problems, and shorten the service life of roads, severely affecting the green development of highway in the seasonal frozen region. In the road construction in the seasonal frozen region, the situation is more difficult. Therefore, people should do their utmost to reduce environmental destruction to achieve harmony among people, roads, and nature. Based on the idea of energy conservation and low-carbon in the road construction period, we should reduce energy consumption cost; take environmentally-friendly measures to protect the environment to the maximum extent (Li and Zhang, 2016). With the application of Internet of Things technology, the technology of Internet of Things will lead the green highway to the direction of smart travel and sustainable development (Gupta, 2018; Lee et al.,2018). With the arrival of the era of big data, we will explore how to deal with green issues related to sustainable development and environment concerns based on big data (Wu et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2018).

In the whole life cycle, the amount of resource consumption during road construction is the largest. Much inconvenience may be brought to residents around in the construction phase. The large-scale mechanical production activity leads to the destruction of the natural landscape and cultural relics, vegetation deterioration and habitat loss, and house demolition. At the same time, road construction also causes dust, sewage discharge, exhaust emissions, surface water pollution, construction waste, solid waste pollution, noise pollution, and mechanical and traffic noise (Tan and Yan, 2011). Therefore, during the construction in the seasonal frozen region, it is necessary to take protective measures to avoid frost heaving and frost boiling.

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