Student Assessment Feedback Effectiveness Model for Enhancing Teaching Method and Developing Academic Performance

Student Assessment Feedback Effectiveness Model for Enhancing Teaching Method and Developing Academic Performance

Ragad M. Tawafak, Awanis M. Romli, Maryam Juma Alsinani
DOI: 10.4018/IJICTE.2019070106
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There is a need for several applications and technologies in the higher education institutions in Oman to improve faculty-student performance. This exploratory study investigates whether integrating student assessment feedback with e-learning through coursework program of full semester instruction may simultaneously enhance and develop academic performance. In the first phase, a systematic review of the existing literature was carried out to determine the suitable related e-learning articles; then, generate a model of e-learning designed with evaluation forms that can measure the suitability of the technology, for assessment issues. In this study, surveys were distributed to BUC College in Oman to assess their satisfaction. The findings of this article aid in the improvement of the teaching method environment, assessment mechanisms, and student learning outcomes.
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1. Introduction

During the years, technology enhancement learning (TEL) has been the sole prerogative of IT experts but in recent times, there are different requirements for IT development because of the need to develop updated software, applications, with quantitative and qualitative criteria used for developing learning process; and academic systems of grouping them. Because of the rapid technological changes, learner need to adapt new ways in communications by using online chat that used a lot of Pdf files, videos, and Google drive forms, etc. (Barak & Levenberg, 2016). TEL is a tool used in blended learning (BL). It is defined as a mixture of face-to-face and online learning to reduce classroom time required and it is expected to improve education process (Stevenson, Hartmeyer, & Bentsen, 2017).

The faculty provided timely and tailored feedback commending high performance while urging struggling models to improve student understanding and academic performance, also these integrated technologies help and support students in different skills to improve the academic performance (Abdulla, Mohanaad, Mohamad, & Malik, 2017; Tawafak, Mohammed, Arshah, & Romli, 2018). The use of such technologies can help high educational institutions to gain more students and to increase competition in developing student skills and get higher satisfaction on educational process (Malik, & Coldwell-Neilson, 2016). The online learning adopted in this study is based on self-control, reducing time of collecting data analysis, using computer technology of application models such as the use of university communication model (UCOM) that results suggested a new method in developing learning process. This mechanism is applied in schools, but real feedback contribution is more effective with adults or high educational students that have experience in using technology and familiar with filling its needs (Iqbal, Choudhary & Harsh, 2013; Grover, Miller, Swearingen, & Wood, 2014; Tawafak, Romli, Arshah, & Almaroof, 2018).

Hashim, & Harun, (2016) all these requirements can pave the way for better teaching methodologies and can effectively support the development of technologies and improve learning outcome in universities (McGaw, 2016). The influence of TEL on student learning can be viewed from clarifies how students learn, inquire, and reflect upon past experiences to build, refine and develop new knowledge of teaching and learning practices, and evaluate a positive outcomes effects on student performance. In the early systems, students used traditional textbooks and normal exams to submit their performance and knowledge. Now a day, the students use different strategies employed by teachers and students in development of learning process. The use of TEL helps faculty members to be more professional technological tools that facilitate the self-assessment used to evaluate faculty’s teaching method, student’s performance level, and course material evaluation (Clarke, & Moore,2013; Barak &Levenberg, 2016; Tawafak, Mohammed, Arshah, Shakir & Mezhuyev, 2018; Abdulla, Mohanaad, Mohamad, Malik & Ahmed, 2018). Even with use of blended learning as type of e-learning technology can improve student feedback on specific courses offered under control of using online quiz and use of internet access, common chat between students to achieve their understanding level Hashim &Harun, (2016).

The advancement of using updated computer technologies increases the self-control over their own satisfaction on assessment method, knowledge development and learning skills to achieve the expected learning goals of student learning outcomes and academic performance (Laurillard, 2008; Chróinín, Tormey, & O’Sullivan, 2012; Gurunathan, John & Malik, 2014). These achieved targets guide the institution to be in the required stage of university accreditation (Tawafak, Romli, Arshah & Almaroof, 2018). The overall use of (TEL) could illustrate the level of satisfaction that students may reflect over their grades and the way of AM that give learning skills freely without being committed to specific space and time (Yapici & Akbayin, 2012).

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